Friday, October 25, 2024

Signor Cerquiglini, sans les Anglais, le français aurait été un latin fautif

Ce sont, entre 597 et vers 800, les Anglais qui le mieux cultivent le latin en tant que langue étrangère.

Entretemps, les sujets des rois francs cultivent le latin en tant que langue maternelle, et ils le changent, et le plus français des régistres aurait été le moins correct et le moins prestigieux.

Quand pour la liturgie, Alcuin impose à Tours le latin des Anglais comme prononciation, il libère le latin des Tourangeaux à se développer sans référence à une langue écrite 1000 ans plus vieille, et cette autre langue latine, illico renommé "lingua romana rustica" est ce qui devient la base du français.

Ce n'est pas juste le latin médiéval (proprement dit) ou latin ecclésiastique qui prend son origine en Angleterre, mais il semble que la séquence de Ste Eulalie aurait été écrit dans un des dialectes qui plus tard croisèrent la Manche avec Guillaume de la Falaise ou qui en étaient proches. Après ça uniquement, et après un texte du Chanson de Roland qui se trouve à Oxford, l'Angleterre nous donne aussi l'anglais. Vous savez, l'anglais moderne qui est un peu plus français et un peu moins néerlandais .../HGL

Genesis 22:14 and Exodus 6:3

Michael Lofton proposed to deal with it by an alternative reading of Exodus 6:3

Bible-Splaining: Did Abraham Know God's Name?
Reason & Theology | 9 Aug 2024

Now, it would seem that the alternative reading "did I not make my name known to them?" is in conflict with LXX and Vulgate, two old translations.

καὶ ὤφθην πρὸς ῾Αβραὰμ καὶ ᾿Ισαὰκ καὶ ᾿Ιακώβ, Θεὸς ὢν αὐτῶν, καὶ τὸ ὄνομά μου Κύριος οὐκ ἐδήλωσα αὐτοῖς·

qui apparui Abraham, Isaac et Jacob in Deo omnipotente : et nomen meum Adonai non indicavi eis.

The translations to English are a modern one of the LXX, and Challoner's revision of Douay Rheims:

And I appeared to Abraam and Isaac and Jacob, being their God, but I did not manifest to them my name Lord.

That appeared to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, by the name of God Almighty; and my name ADONAI I did not shew them.

So, can we reconcile "Abraham knew the name Adonai" and "God did not show Abraham the name Adonai"? Yes, we can.

But to Seth also was born a son, whom he called Enos; this man began to call upon the name of the Lord
[Genesis 4:26]

So, Abraham knew the name Adonai, not because Adonai revealed it to him, but because he knew it from tradition from earlier on. A tradition that Abraham trusted, even without direct confirmation by God revealing things from him.

Why is this important? Well, some have pretended "we cannot accept the idea that Genesis 3 and so on were facts known to Abraham by tradition, since Abraham was born in a pagan and idolatrous household, where every tradition was tainted" ...

This is particularly popular among some French people who refuse to take the traditional view of the Genesis portion 1 to 11 and most especially of its chronology.

I have at least once, probably twice, told some Novus Ordo Catholic in France the idea* of Father Haydock:

Concerning the transactions of these early times, parents would no doubt be careful to instruct their children, by word of mouth, before any of the Scriptures were written; and Moses might derive much information from the same source, as a very few persons formed the chain of tradition, when they lived so many hundred years. Adam would converse with Mathusalem, who knew Sem, as the latter lived in the days of Abram. Isaac, Joseph, and Amram, the father of Moses, were contemporaries: so that seven persons might keep up the memory of things which had happened 2500 years before. But to entitle these accounts to absolute authority, the inspiration of God intervenes; and thus we are convinced, that no word of sacred writers can be questioned. (Haydock)

And I have at least once, probably twice, been told "can't be, Abraham was born in a Pagan household" ...

The latter is obviously based on:

And he spoke thus to the people: Thus saith the Lord the God of Israel: Your fathers dwelt of old on the other side of the river, Thare the father of Abraham, and Nachor: and they served strange gods
[Josue (Joshua) 24:2]

First, it does not say which Nachor did so, but suppose it were both, both the brother and the grandfather.

Second, it does not say when they started to do so.

But third, on a LXX chronology (with or without the second Cainan, but imperatively without the edition error** of putting Abraham's birth 1170 rather than 1070 after the Flood in case Cainan is retained, Sarug was alive for 50 years from Abraham's birth to his own death. And Sarug was not an idolater. Hence, Genesis 3 was known to Abraham by tradition. As confirmation: so was the name Adonai./HGL


* GENESIS - Chapter 3

** Looking up the exact nature of the error:

Some English versions mistakenly translate Nahor’s age at Terah’s birth as 179 years old, but the Greek manuscripts read 79.

The biblical minimum and maximum age of the earth
Chris Hardy and Robert Carter

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Il y avait un temps, un péplum était Ben Hur ou Spartacus

Christianisme ou Socialisme ou, à la limite, un sens de justice social qui préfigure à la fois Christianisme et Socialisme.

Aujourd'hui, un péplum sortira dans le mois suivant, c'est Gladiator II.

Que disait St. Augustin de la volonté de regarder les gladiateurs ?

Est-il marqué quelque part en Cité de Dieu ?

Et "tu as un rage en toi qui te rendra grand" n'est pas forcément un message très correct ou très moral./HGL

Friday, October 18, 2024

Encore en arrière (derrière les Monégasques) ?

Ancêtres de Louis II de Monaco · Encore en arrière (derrière les Monégasques) ?

Oui. On peut les tracer, en partie (bon, pas les Beauharnais, mais, bon ...). Comme le dit C. S. Lewis (qui était d'une mère noble, une Hamilton, donc apparentée aux ancêtres de Louis II), en traduction libre "le truc avec la noblesse n'est pas d'avoir une lignée, on a tous une lignée qui remonte à Adam et Ève, le truc est de la pouvoir tracer loin en arrière" ... le post avant, j'avais oublié de démarquer les parties directement citées de la wikipédie, ici je corrige et les mets en deux carrées, dedans tout, sauf [ce qui est entre crochets], est cité de la wikipédie. Bon, j'ai aussi donné alerte pour un franc-maçon, avec (!) autour de la citation pertinente.

Jacques Goyon de Matignon, comte de Torigni, né le 21 novembre 1689 à Torigni et mort le 23 avril 1751 à Paris, est prince souverain de Monaco sous le nom de Jacques Ier du 29 décembre 1731 au 7 novembre 1733.

Louise-Hippolyte (monégasque : Luisa Ipo̍lita1 ; italien : Luisa Ippolita), née le 10 novembre 1697 et morte le 29 décembre 1731 à Monaco, fut princesse souveraine de Monaco — la seule de l'histoire de la principauté2. Elle mourut prématurément en 1731 après onze mois de règne.

Après l'échec de la proposition d'union avec le chevalier Grimaldi d'Antibes3, elle épouse le 20 octobre 1715 Jacques de Goyon de Matignon, comte de Torigni (1689-1751).

Giuseppe Maria Brignole Sale, francisé en Joseph Marie de Brignole Sale (né le 18 février 1703 et mort le 6 janvier 1769) est un noble italien du XVIIIe siècle.

[apparemment, il épousa Maria Anna Balbi suite à la mort prématurée de son frère Gian Giacomo Brignole Sale (1696-1734), donc en 1734]

Louis-Marie-Augustin d'Aumont de Rochebaron, né le 28 août 1709, mort à Paris, en son hôtel de la place Louis XV, le 15 avril 1782, 5e duc d'Aumont, pair de France, Premier gentilhomme de la Chambre du Roi, lieutenant-général des armées du Roi, chevalier de ses ordres, gouverneur de Boulogne et du pays Boulonnois, gouverneur et grand bailli de la ville de Chauny, etc.

(!) Il a été le vénérable de la loge de Bussy-Aumont16. Cette loge aurait commencé à exister dès 1732, mais elle a demandé des constitutions à la Grande Loge que présidait J. H. MacLean. Derwentwater17. qui avait remplacé MacLean et les officiers de la Grande Loge installèrent la loge chez Landelle « à l'Hôtel rue de Bussy ». La loge de Bussy est considérée comme régulière à partir du 29 novembre 1736. Le 7 février 1737, elle a comme vénérable maître à sa fondation Louis Collins, peintre du roi. Une délégation de la loge a reçu de Derwentwater une patente constitutive le 14 février 1737 en remplacement de la patente provisoire. Le duc d'Aumont est maître dans cette loge dès avril 1737 et il a dû être vénérable peu de temps après sa réception. On ne sait pas à quelle date la loge de Bussy a pris le nom de Bussy-Aumont. Le duc d'Antin a été élu grand maître en 1738. Louis de Bourbon-Condé (1709-1771) lui a succédé comme « Grand Maître de toutes les loges régulières de France » en 1743. (!)

Il épouse le 23 avril 1727 Victoire Félicité de Durfort Duras (1706-1753), fille de Jean-Baptiste de Durfort, duc de Duras, maréchal de France, et de Angélique Victoire de Bournonville. Elle était veuve en premières noces, sans enfant, de Jacques de Fitz-James, deuxième duc de Fitz-James. [Il meurt quand elle a 15, qui est donc l'âge maximale de ses premières noces]

Emmanuel-Félicité de Durfort, duc de Duras (19 septembre 1715 - 6 septembre 1789 à Versailles), est un militaire, homme politique et diplomate français, pair et maréchal de France.

Il se marie, une première fois, en mai 1733, avec Charlotte Antoinette de La Porte Mazarin (1719 - 1735), fille unique du duc de Mazarin : d'où Louise-Jeanne, qui épouse le duc Louis-Marie d'Aumont ; parents de Louise d'Aumont épouse d'Honoré IV de Monaco.

James Hamilton, 4e duc de Hamilton et 1er duc de Brandon (11 avril 1658- 15 novembre 1712) est un noble écossais, le premier pair de l’Écosse, et garde du Palais de Holyrood. Il est maître de la grande garde-robe, maître général de l'ordre, ambassadeur et Colonel en chef de son régiment1. Il est un investisseur majeur dans le Projet Darién , qui a coûté leur fortune à de nombreux membres de la classe dirigeante écossaise, et il joue un rôle de premier plan dans les événements qui conduisent à l'acte d'Union de 1707. Il meurt le 15 novembre 1712, à l'issue d'un duel célèbre à Hyde Park avec Charles Mohun (4e baron Mohun), pour un héritage litigieux.

En 1686, Hamilton épouse Anne Spencer, fille de Robert Spencer (2e comte de Sunderland). Ils ont deux filles, mais aucune n'a survécu à l'enfance. Anne est décédée peu de temps après la naissance de la deuxième fille en 1690.

Hamilton épouse en secondes noces Elizabeth Gerard, fille de Digby Gerard, 5e baron Gerard en 1698, et ils ont sept enfants ...

Frédéric de Bade-Durlach, né le 7 octobre 1703 et décédé le 26 mars 1732 à Karlsruhe, fut prince héritier de Bade-Durlach.

Frédéric de Bade-Durlach épouse en 1727 Anne-Charlotte-Amélie d'Orange-Nassau (1710 – 1777), fille du stathouder Jean-Guillaume-Friso d'Orange, comte de Nassau-Dietz et prince d'Orange, et de Marie-Louise de Hesse-Cassel.

La princesse Anne-Charlotte-Amélie de Nassau-Dietz (23 octobre 1710 à Leuvarde – 18 septembre 1777 à Durlach) est l'épouse de Frédéric de Bade-Durlach, et mère de Charles Ier de Bade, le premier grand-duc de Bade.

Louis VIII de Hesse-Darmstadt (en allemand Ludwig VIII von Hessen-Darmstadt), né le 5 avril 1691 à Darmstadt et mort le 17 octobre 1768 dans cette même ville, est landgrave de Hesse-Darmstadt de 1739 à sa mort.

Louis VIII se marie le 5 avril 1717 au château de Philippsruhe avec Charlotte (1700 – 1726), fille du comte Jean-René III de Hanau-Lichtenberg.

Charlotte de Hanau-Lichtenberg, de son nom complet Comtesse Charlotte Christine Magdalene Johanna de Hanau-Lichtenberg, est née le 2 mai 1700 à Bouxwiller (Bas-Rhin) et décédée le 1er juillet 1726 à Darmstadt. Elle fut l'épouse du landgrave Louis VIII de Hesse-Darmstadt.

La génération avant:

Antoine Ier, né le 25 janvier 1661 à Paris et mort le 20 janvier 1731 à Monaco, succède à son père Louis Ier en 1701 et devient le 3e prince souverain de Monaco.

Marié le 14 juin 1688 avec Marie de Lorraine (1674-1724), fille de Louis de Lorraine, comte d'Armagnac, fils du comte d'Harcourt, et de Catherine de Neuville.

Marie de Lorraine (Paris, 12 août 1674 – Monaco, 30 octobre 1724) est l’épouse du prince souverain Antoine Ier de Monaco (1661-1731).

Anton Giulio II Brignole Sale marchese di Groppoli (Genova, 1673 – Genova, 1710) è stato un ambasciatore italiano, al servizio della Repubblica di Genova.

Parents de Louis-Marie-Augustin d'Aumont de Rochebaron : Louis Marie d'Aumont (1691-1723), Catherine de Guiscard (1687-1723)

Jean-Baptiste de Durfort, duc de Duras, maréchal de France, fils de Jacques Henri de Durfort, né le 28 janvier 1684, mort le 8 juillet 1770 à Paris.

Er heiratete am 6. Januar 1706 Marie Angélique Victoire de Bournonville (* 23. Januar 1686; † 29. September 1764), Tochter von Alexandre-Albert-François-Barthelemy, Duc et Prince de Bournonville, Comte de Henin, und Charlotte-Victoire d’Albert de Luynes.

William Douglas-Hamilton, duc de Hamilton, (24 décembre 1634 - 18 avril 1694), également connu sous les noms de Lord William Douglas et de comte de Selkirk, est un noble et un homme politique écossais1. Il est le fils aîné de William Douglas (1er marquis de Douglas) de sa deuxième épouse, Mary Gordon, fille de George Gordon (1er marquis de Huntly) (en)2.

Le 29 avril 1656, il épouse Anne Hamilton, duchesse de Hamilton. Elle appartient à une dynastie résolument royaliste. Oliver Cromwell a confisqué leurs terres après les activités de son père et de son oncle dans les Guerres des Trois Royaumes. Son père, James Hamilton (1er duc d'Hamilton), est exécuté par les Anglais en 1649 à la fin de la deuxième guerre civile anglaise5 et son oncle, William Hamilton, est décédé après la bataille de Worcester en 16514

Anne Hamilton, 3e duchesse de Hamilton (6 janvier 1632 1 - 17 octobre 1716) est une pair écossaise.

Charles III Guillaume, né le 17 janvier 1679 à Durlach et mort le 12 mai 1738 à Karlsruhe, est margrave de Bade-Durlach de 1709 à 1738.

Charles III Guillaume de Bade-Durlach épouse le 27 juin 1697 Madeleine-Wilhelmine de Wurtemberg (1677 – 1742, fille de Guillaume-Louis de Wurtemberg).

Madeleine-Wilhelmine de Wurtemberg (7 novembre 1677, Stuttgart – 30 octobre 1742, château de Karlsburg, Durlach) est une margravine de Bade. Elle est régente pendant la minorité de son petit-fils de 1738 à 1742.

Jean-Guillaume-Friso de Nassau-Dietz (en allemand Johann Wilhelm Friso von Nassau-Dietz), né le 4 août 1687 à Dessau et mort noyé le 14 juillet 1711 à Moerdijk, fut prince de Nassau-Dietz, stathouder de Frise de 1696 à 1711, prince d'Orange de 1702 à 1711, stathouder de Groningue de 1708 à 1711.

En 1709, Jean-Guillaume-Friso de Nassau-Dietz épouse Marie-Louise de Hesse-Cassel (1688-1765), fille du landgrave Charles Ier.

Marie-Louise de Hesse-Cassel (Cassel, 7 février 1688 - Leeuwarden, 9 avril 1765), est une fille du landgrave Charles Ier de Hesse-Cassel et d'Amélie de Courlande. Elle est la sœur du roi Frédéric Ier de Suède, du Landgrave Guillaume VIII de Hesse-Cassel et de Sophie-Charlotte de Hesse-Cassel, duchesse de Mecklembourg-Schwerin. Apparentée aux maisons souveraines européennes, elle est notamment une cousine germaine du roi Frédéric IV de Danemark et une cousine issue de germain du régent de France Philippe d'Orléans (1674-1723).

Ernest-Louis, né le 15 décembre 1667 au château de Friedenstein à Gotha et mort le 12 septembre 1739 au château de Jägersburg près d'Einhausen, est landgrave de Hesse-Darmstadt de 1678 à sa mort.

Ernest-Louis se marie le 1er décembre 1687 avec Dorothée-Charlotte de Brandebourg-Ansbach (1661-1705), fille du margrave Albert II de Brandebourg-Ansbach

Dorothée-Charlotte de Brandebourg-Ansbach (28 novembre 1661, Ansbach 15 novembre 1705, Darmstadt) est une noble allemande devenue par son mariage avec Ernest Louis de Hesse-Darmstadt, Landgravine consort de Hesse-Darmstadt.

Jean-Reinhard III comte de Hanau-Lichtenberg, né le 31 juillet 1665 et mort le 28 mars 1736, est le dernier comte de Hanau-Lichtenberg. Fils du comte Jean-Reinhard II de Hanau-Lichtenberg et d'Anne de Birkenfeld-Bischweiler.

Il épousa en 1699 Dorothée-Frédérique fille de Jean-Frédéric margrave de Brandebourg-Ansbach et de Jeanne-Élisabeth de Bade-Durlach (cette dernière fille du margrave Frédéric VI de Bade-Durlach, gendre de Catherine Vasa et de Jean-Casimir de Deux-Ponts-Cleebourg).

Leur fille Charlotte épousa Louis VIII margrave de Hesse-Darmstadt, d'où la succession des Hesse-Darmstadt, comtes de Hanau-Lichtenberg ; et par mariage : descendance dans les Bavière-Wittelsbach, Habsbourg-Lorraine, Danemark, Bade, Suède, Monaco, Belgique, Roumanie, Prusse-Hohenzollern, Pays-Bas-Nassau, Russie...

Dorothée Frédérique de Brandebourg-Ansbach (12 août 1676, Ansbach – 13 mars 1731, Hanau) est la fille du margrave Jean-Frédéric de Brandebourg-Ansbach (1654 – 1686) et de sa première épouse, Jeanne Élisabeth de Bade-Durlach (1651–1680). Elle est une demi-sœur de la reine Caroline de Grande-Bretagne, l'épouse du roi George II.

Et le résultat statistique ?

Mort à l'âge
23 28 32 37 54 59 59 61 65 69 70 71 72 73 77 86
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
16 26 34 36 43 50 54 64 66 77 78 84
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12

Marié (mariée première fois) à l'âge
16 17 18 19 21 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 31 34
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
13 14 15 16 16 17 19 19 21 23 24 26
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12

Les hommes meurent entre 23 et 86, autour de 61/65. Les femmes entre 16 et 84, autour de 50/54.

Les hommes se marient entre 16 et 34, autour de 22/23. Les femmes se marient (en premières noces) entre 13 et 26, autour de 17/19.

Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Luc Évangéliste

In Bithynia natalis beati Lucae Evangelistae, qui, multa passus pro Christi nomine, obiit Spiritu Sancto plenus. Ipsius autem ossa postea Constantinopolim translata sunt, et inde Patavium delata.

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Ancêtres de Louis II de Monaco

Ancêtres de Louis II de Monaco · Encore en arrière (derrière les Monégasques) ?

Honoré IV, né le 17 mai 1758 à Paris et mort le 16 février 1819 dans la même ville, est prince souverain de Monaco du 30 mai 1814 au 16 février 1819, après la période d'occupation française (1793-1814).

Le 15 juillet 1777, il épouse Louise d'Aumont, duchesse de Mazarin qui lui donna le titre de baron de Massy transmis à la lignée princière de Monaco. Il en divorce le 22 juin 1793.

Louise Félicité Victoire d'Aumont, duchesse de Mazarin, née le 22 octobre 1759 à Paris et morte le 13 décembre 1826, est une aristocrate française, mère de deux souverains de Monaco.

Charles de Merode, de son nom complet Guillaume Charles Ghislain de Merode, comte de Merode de Westerloo, prince de Rubempré et d'Everberghe, né à Bruxelles le 16 septembre 1762, mort à Bruxelles le 18 février 1830, est un homme politique bruxellois.

En 1778, il épouse Marie d'Ongnies de Mastaing, princesse de Grimberghe, dame de l'Ordre de la Croix étoilée et dernière du nom et héritière par sa mère de la branche de Merode-Deinze, apportant entre autres héritages, les châteaux de Crupet, Ham-sur-Heure, Rixensart et Solre-sur-Sambre.

Archibald Hamilton, 9e duc de Hamilton et 6e duc de Brandon (15 juillet 1740 - 16 février 1819) est un pair et homme politique écossais.

Le 25 mai 1765, il épouse Lady Harriet Stewart (une fille d'Alexander Stewart, 6e comte de Galloway) et ils ont cinq enfants

William Thomas Beckford (29 September 1760 – 2 May 1844) was an English novelist, art critic, planter and politician.[1] He was reputed at one stage to be England's richest commoner.

On 5 May 1783 Beckford married Lady Margaret Gordon, a daughter of the fourth Earl of Aboyne.

Charles-Louis de Bade, né le 14 février 1755 à Karlsruhe et mort le 16 décembre 1801 à Arboga (Suède), fut prince héritier de Bade.

Charles-Louis de Bade épousa le 15 juillet 1774 Amélie de Hesse-Darmstadt (1754 – 1832, fille du landgrave Louis IX de Hesse-Darmstadt).

Amélie de Hesse-Darmstadt fut l'épouse du prince héréditaire de Bade. Elle eut une grande influence sur son gendre le tsar Alexandre Ier de Russie.

Claude de Beauharnais, comte des Roches-Baritaud, né le 26 septembre 1756 à La Rochelle et mort le 10 janvier 1819 à Paris, est un homme politique français.

Il épousa le 17 juin 1786 Claudine Françoise Adrienne Gabrielle de Lézay-Marnézia (1768-1791, fille de Claude-François de Lezay-Marnésia) qui mourut en couches ...

Une génération en arrière :

Honoré III, né Honoré Camille Léonor Grimaldi de Goyon de Matignon le 10 novembre 1720 à Paris et mort le 21 mars 1795 dans la même ville, est prince souverain de Monaco et duc de Valentinois de 1733 à 1793.

Après avoir entretenu en 1753 une relation avec la comédienne italienne Maria Anna Véronèse (1730-1782), marquise de Silly, il se marie le 5 juillet 1757, avec Marie-Catherine Brignole (1737-1813). Son épouse, dont il se sépare en 1770, est la fille de son ancienne maîtresse, la marquise Anna Balbi.

Marie-Catherine Brignole, née le 7 octobre 1737 à Gênes et morte le 18 mars 1813 à Wimbledon1, est une princesse de Monaco par son mariage avec le prince Honoré III en 1757 et une princesse de Condé par son remariage avec Louis Joseph de Bourbon en 1798.

Louis Marie Guy d'Aumont de Rochebaron, né le 5 août 1732 et mort le 20 octobre 1799 au château de Guiscard (Oise), est un militaire français, marquis de Villequier et de Piennes, puis duc de Mazarin (1747), puis duc de Piennes, puis 6e duc d'Aumont et Pair de France, baron de Chappes, maréchal de camp des armées du roi (25 juillet 1762).

Il épouse :

  1. le 2 décembre 1747 à Paris Louise-Jeanne de Durfort, duchesse de La Meilleraye et de Mazarin, sa cousine-germaine (Paris, 1er septembre 1735 - Paris, 17 mars 1781), fille d'Emmanuel Félicité de Durfort, duc de Duras, pair et maréchal de France, et de sa première épouse, Charlotte Antoinette de La Porte Mazarin. Ce mariage le fera prince de Porcien et duc de Rethel (Mazarin).
  2. Le 30 novembre 1794 à Paris, Marie-Louise Klein, fille de Jacques Klein et de Jeanne Bourcar.

Louise-Jeanne de Durfort de Duras, duchesse de Mazarin, de Mayenne et de La Meilleraye, appelée aussi la duchesse de Mazarin, née à Paris le 1er septembre 1735 et morte à Paris le 17 mars 1781, est une aristocrate française, réputée pour la collection d'objets d'art qu'elle a commandés aux artistes de son temps.

James Hamilton (5 janvier 1703 - 2 mars 1743) est un pair écossais, titré 5e duc de Hamilton.

Il épouse ensuite Anne Spencer le 21 août 1737 ...

Charles Ier Frédéric de Bade (Charles-Frédéric de Bade) est né le 22 novembre 1728 à Karlsruhe, et mort le 10 juin 1811 dans la même ville. Succédant à son grand-père Charles-Guillaume de Bade-Durlach, il est margrave de Bade-Durlach en 1738, puis, ayant rassemblé sous son nom l'ensemble des possessions de sa Maison par héritage en 1771, margrave de Bade. Devenu électeur de Bade par le recès d'Empire en 1803, il est élevé à la dignité grand-ducale par Napoléon en 1806.

Régnant d'abord sous la régence de sa grand-mère Madeleine de Wurtemberg, il fut proclamé majeur et marié à Caroline-Louise de Hesse-Darmstadt en 1746.

Caroline-Louise de Hesse-Darmstadt (après son mariage, Caroline-Louise de Bade), née le 11 juillet 1723 à Darmstadt et morte le 8 avril 1783 à Paris, est une margravine de Bade, artiste, collectionneuse et botaniste du xviiie siècle.

Claude-Joseph de Beauharnais, né à Rochefort le 16 janvier 1717 et mort le 25 décembre 1784 à Paris, seigneur puis comte des Roches-Baritaud (1759), est un officier de marine et gentilhomme français.

Il épouse le 6 mars 1753 à Saint-Eustache, Marie-Anne-Françoise Mouchard de Chaban (1737-1813), dite « Fanny de Beauharnais » après son mariage.

Marie-Anne-Françoise Mouchard de Chaban (1737-1813), dite Fanny, devenue comtesse de Beauharnais par mariage, est une femme de lettres française de la fin du siècle des Lumières qui a traversé l’époque révolutionnaire.

Claude-François-Adrien, marquis de Lezay-Marnésia, né à Metz le 26 août 1735 et mort le 9 novembre 1800 à Besançon, est un militaire, agriculteur et poète utopiste français d'origine lorraine.

De son mariage avec Marie-Claudine-Marguerite de Nettancourt, morte en 1793 à Londres, il a eu trois enfants

40 46 60 62 65 67 67 67 74 78 82 83
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12
23 45 59 67 75 76 78
01 02 03 04 05 06 07

15 16 17 19 19 22 24 30 32 34 36 36
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12
12 13 16 17 18 19 20
01 02 03 04 05 06 07

Des 12 hommes à chiffres répérables, les âges à la mort ont été entre 40 et 83, autour de 67, des sept femmes entre 23 et 78, aussi autour de 67.

Pour les mariages, c'était entre 15 et 36 pour les hommes, autour de 23, et pour les femmes, entre 12 et 20, autour de 17.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Ste. Marie Marguerite Alacoque

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

So, Women Don't Wear Those Breeches in Austria?

Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: Swiss Guards · Φιλολoγικά/Philologica: Not Female Clothing · So, Women Don't Wear Those Breeches in Austria?

No, they wear skirts.

Sankt Oswald bei Freistadt — Wikipedia

Here you can see ladies in long skirts and gentlemen in breeches:

This screenshot is from this video:

MV St.Oswald
psj | 15 June 2012

I'm not Austrian. I am a Swede. But I was born in Austria, and though I visited Sweden early on, there was a part of the late childhood that I spent, once again, in Austria. You might be able to guess, I was at times in a big Swedish city like Malmö somewhat starved of Austrian atmosphere.
/Hans Georg Lundahl

PS, turns out some ladies did fill roles in the music band traditionally reserved for men. In St. Oswald ... so, I present:

Grünau im Almtal — Wikipedia

Ohlsdorf, Austria — Wikipedia,_Austria

Here the musicians' clothing is more gendered:

Musikverein Ohlsdorf
Musikverein Grünau | 16 July 2016

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

What did I say about Troy, Again?

What Did Thor Heyderdahl Say, Again? · What did I say about Troy, Again?

Did Hittites participate in the Trojan War? (Homeric Keteioi)
Wanax TV | 7 Oct. 2024

1:53 The Hittite contingent at the Trojan war, it may really have been very insignificant.

You see, Troy fell 1179 or sth. Perhaps 1184 BC.

Hattusa had already fallen in "around 1200 BC" ... so possibly a decade or two earlier.

11:09 Walter Leaf considered that Mycenaean Greece as well as Troy was a kind of "satrapy" under the Hittites.

There is one more Greek word that could come from Hittites, namely ethos. Hethos would have become ethos by dissimilation of aspirates.

One early use of the word was "taxes" and if Hittites were suzerain, taxes could be "the Hittite thing" ... Linear B is called Semata Lugra in the Iliad, apart from the context of Bellerophon, that could have been a general sentiment about it, since it was often used in tax records.

I'd say deliberate damnatio memoriae.

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Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere

Encore deux choses, s v p ...

L'Italie ne pratiqua pas l'eugénisme national-socialiste (documenté) · Austro-Fascisme et Empire Austro-Hongrois · Encore deux choses, s v p ...

Je me tournai alors vers la chose qui s’était nommée elle-même fascisme et d’où ce Niagara verbal avait coulé, l’aventure italienne de Mussolini. On en disait hélas, et l’on en lisait, tant de choses, que l’esprit finissait par s’y perdre. De quel fascisme prétendait-on s’occuper ? Celui des squadristes ? De la marche sur Rome ? De l’homme chargé de médailles qui conquit l’Ethiopie et veillait sur le Brenner ? Des accords du Latran ? Des lois de 1938 ? De la République de Salo ? Je nageais un peu quand je lus l’historien Renzo De Felice, que son passé de militant communiste avait vacciné contre le marxisme, et qui distinguait simplement le mouvement fasciste du régime fasciste. C’est lui qui découvrit, à travers une gigantesque et minutieuse biographie de Mussolini jamais achevée, qu’il n’existe pas de définition du fascisme valide en dehors de son histoire. Autrement dit, le fascisme est strictement et limitativement ce qui s’est passé en Italie entre la fin de la Première Guerre mondiale et la Deuxième. Tout le reste n’est pas que fumée, mais propagandes : les définitions « au sens large » du fascisme sont le récit de catéchismes idéologiques conçus et débités pour en tirer du pouvoir.

Ancora due cose, noch zwei Dinge, bitte!

  • Casa Pound et les Camps Hobbit;
  • "ein zweites aber besseres Deutsches Land" (ou l'homme protégé par la présence italienne au Brenner, ou l'ami de Mussolini, l'ennemi de Hitler, et son successeur, Dollfuss et von Schuschnigg.)

Si Hannibal permet !
/ Hans Georg Lundahl

PS, le citat était de la dernière page de Rivarol n° 3631, apparaît en kiosque demain, le 9 octobre./HGL

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Gematria of IHCOYC

Φιλολoγικά/Philologica: Gematria of IHCOYCAssorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: 7 D A Style Lies, Refutations by Me

Greek, Simple Name in Nominative:

10820070400200= 888

Greek, All Five Cases:

504010003502000250= 3690

Greek, Five Cases Simplified to Three Distinct Forms:

30246002101200250= 2314

ASCII, all three versions:

I 73 070 03
H 72 140 05
C 67 200 12
O 79 270 21
Y 89 350 30=380
C 67 410 37=447
N 78 420 38=458

447 + 380 + 458 = 1285
447 + 380 + 380 + 458 + 380 = 2045

Nope. The number mentioned in Apocalypse 13 is not there in the Holy Name./HGL

Friday, September 27, 2024

Matthew 6:7, Greek Text, Word Meanings

Bible-Hub, Greek Interlinear, Matthew 6:7

Proseuchomenoi Προσευχόμενοι Praying
de δὲ now
μὴ not
945 [e]
battalogēsēte βατταλογήσητε, do use vain repetitions
hōsper ὥσπερ like
hoi οἱ the
ethnikoi ἐθνικοί, pagans [gentiles]
dokousin δοκοῦσιν they think
gar γὰρ for
hoti ὅτι that
en ἐν in
τῇ the
4180 [e]
polylogia πολυλογίᾳ many words
autōn αὐτῶν of them
eisakousthēsontai εἰσακουσθήσονται. they will be heard

The key disputed terms between Protestants and Catholics are βατταλογήσητε and πολυλογίᾳ. The Strong lexicon will be consulted, but with caution, as Strong was a Protestant.

So, first Strong:

945. battalogeó

Strong's Concordance
battalogeó: to stammer
Original Word: βαττολογέω
Part of Speech: Verb
Transliteration: battalogeó
Phonetic Spelling: (bat-tol-og-eh'-o)
Definition: to stammer
Usage: I chatter, am long-winded, utter empty words, stammer, repeat.

HELPS Word-studies
945 battologéō – properly, to blubber nonsensical repetitions; to chatter (be "long-winded"), using empty (vain) words (Souter).

Note, both Strong and HELPS include (though not exclusively) the idea of repetitions. And for KJV, NAS, INT translations, if they were good ones, they would have a point.

The word is a composite. Battein would mean simply stammer or stutter. Logein occurs as such in composites, simplex would be legein, and that means speak. So, the composite would at a first approximation mean "stutter-speak" ...

Someone might interpret that as "repeat" but "repeat" is not the meaning of either word, not the obvious meaning of the composite word either. Now, how many ways are there to determine a word meaning? I mean in an old language.

  • Etymology. I already covered this.
  • Study the different uses. In the Bible, there is exactly one use, this verse, and it is disputed.
  • Study old translations of the texts, from the time when the language was a living one. The Vulgate has "multum loqui" ... taken over from next term. The Coptoc and Syriac have "stutter" or "stammer" ... absolutely not one single old translation has "repeat" or "use repetitions"

Worse. There is actually a word for using repetitions. Actually more than one, but we'll stick with the idea of repeating words or phrases. Thrallein. If you were trying to rehearse a poem, you would obviously repeat lines over and over again, and that's thrallein. If Jesus had meant "repeat" as in repeating the Jesus prayer or the Hail Mary, Matthew who was His disciple for 3 and a half years would have known it, and his Gospel would have used the word "thrallein" ...

Or, what about study the one use, and see if there is any clue in the context?

What about this? hōsper hoi ethnikoi ... like the Pagans. Muslims and Hindoos are Pagans, and both of them have repetitive prayers. N o t so fast, please! Muslims didn't exist at the time. Hindoos existed but way further away than Greeks and Romans. Gentiles would typically refer to non-Israelite nations in the immediate situation of Israelites, not in the far off countries one nearly never thought of. Believe me, 1st C. Israel was not the British Commonwealth, and Hindoos were not first on their minds. One could even pinpoint one Pagan and Gentile nation that was very much more likely to be first on their mind. Romans.

So, how did Romans pray? We need not guess. They wrote pretty much. After all, it's from them that we get our alphabet. Velleius Paterculus wrote two books on the history of Rome. In book II, chapter 131, he closes the book with a prayer:

Voto finiendum volumen est. Iuppiter Capitoline, et auctor ac stator Romani nominis Gradive Mars, perpetuorumque custos Vesta ignium et quidquid numinum hanc Romani imperii molem in amplissimum terrarum orbis fastigium extulit, vos publica voce obtestor atque precor: custodite, servate, protegite hunc statum, hanc pacem, hunc principem, eique functo longissima statione mortali destinate successores quam serissimos, sed eos, quorum cervices tam fortiter sustinendo terrarum orbis imperio sufficiant, quam huius suffecisse sensimus, consiliaque omnium civium aut pia fovete aut impia opprimite. Let me end my volume with a prayer. O Jupiter Capitolinus, and Mars Gradivus, author and stay of the Roman name, Vesta, guardian of the eternal fire, and all other divinities who have exalted this great empire of Rome to the highest point yet reached on earth! On you I call, and to you I pray in the name of this people: guard, preserve, protect the present state of things, the peace which we enjoy, the present emperor, and when he has filled his post of duty — and may it be the longest granted to mortals — grant him successors until the latest time, but successors whose shoulders may be as capable of sustaining bravely the empire of the world as we have found his to be: foster the pious plans of all good citizens and crush the impious designs of the wicked.

No. He was not repeating short phrases. We do not see "three times" (in Latin "ter" would be brief enough to mark a phrase). Nor do we find other indications that he or other Romans would have done the equivalent of "99 names of Allah" or Hindoo mantras, but in his own religion. So, is there anything stuttering about it? Yes. Vellius is obviously nervous to leave no stone unturned among the gods, to not imit the right and relevant deity. Jesus did not use "stutter" about repetitions of words, he used it as a metaphor for nervosity.

Next word?

4180. polulogia

Strong's Concordance
polulogia: much speaking
Original Word: πολυλογία, ας, ἡ
Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine
Transliteration: polulogia
Phonetic Spelling: (pol-oo-log-ee'-ah)
Definition: much speaking
Usage: much-speaking, loquacity.

HELPS Word-studies
4180 polylogía (from 4183 /polýs, "much in quantity" and 3056 /lógos, "'word, speech") – properly, voluminous words; a great quantity of words (used only in Mt 6:7).

They got this one right. And most Protestant translations usually don't get this wrong. KJV, NAS and INT all have "many words" or "much speaking" ... I would not have marked it if it weren't one translation that stood out badly.

“When you pray, don’t babble on and on as the Gentiles do. They think their prayers are answered merely by repeating their words again and again.

This is New Living Translation. For battologein, they did the right thing and translated "babble" ... not exact, but at least doesn't try to demonise repetitive prayer. But Protestants as they are, they couldn't leave that aspect out, so they paraphrased "they are heard for many words" with "their prayers are answered" (so far, so good) "by repeating their words agains and again" ... well, here not a single part of this phrase has anything to do with the actual Greek Text. These Protestants do not depend on the text, they follow a tradition that's not apostolic (since it began in the 1500's) but is only human.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Sts Cosmas and Damian

Aegeae natalis sanctorum Martyrum Cosmae et Damiani fratrum, qui, in persecutione Diocletiani, post multa tormenta, vincula et carceres, post mare et ignes, cruces, lapidationem et sagittas divinitus superatas, capite plectuntur; cum quibus etiam referuntur passi tres eorum fratres germani, id est Anthimus, Leontius et Euprepius.

PS, were there any Greeks who used Buddhist mantras? Ever? Sure:

The Ancient Greeks Who Converted to Buddhism
ReligionForBreakfast | 10 May 2024

It's just that Menander I (most probable candidate for the Menander in the video) was living far off in Sagala, Northern India, Indo-Greek kingdoms ceased to exist in 10 AD, 20 years before the Sermon of the Mount, when one convert was in the Hellenistic world, Pyrrho, the descriptions are so vague by those more involved with the Greco-Roman world that it's somewhat uncertain if he was Buddhist, Hindoo or something else, though Buddhism is likeliest, and even then we cannot determine if he also used mantras or just tried to live according to dharma without such. Pyrrho died in 270 BC, but his philosophy still existed in early Christian times. However, Cicero does not seem to have practised Buddhist mantras, and even if he did, that's not what he would have referred to as praying. What's perhaps even more important, the Romans would have identified their national religion as worshipping the gods on the Capitalium, and there were FOUR different religions apart from actual Bacchus worship which they identified as Bacchus worship: Judaism and Christianity, Hinduism and Buddhism. Probably the mental state induced by reciting mantras was perceived as "drunkenness" ... confer:

And be not drunk with wine, wherein is luxury; but be ye filled with the holy Spirit
[Ephesians 5:18]

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

What Did Thor Heyderdahl Say, Again?

What Did Thor Heyderdahl Say, Again? · What did I say about Troy, Again?

3:21 In contrast, the Central native American component 3:25 is only associated with the Polynesian ancestry 3:28 on Rapa Nui, with no connection to 3:31 European or Southern native American ancestry. 3:34 This points to an older pre european admixture event.

From this video:

This Hugely Controversial Study Rewrites Polynesian Genetics
Evo Inception | 24 Sept. 2024

Thank you!/HGL

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

822, Year and Gematria

Between C. S. Lewis, Sinclair Lewis, Lewis Carroll, Lewis Trondheim, who would be most likely to be called Lewis the Pious?

You might agree it is C. S. Lewis.

Now 822 is a year when an Emperor called Lewis the Pious did a pious thing, namely confess to and repent of an excessive punishment, amounting to a crime.*

Perhaps his confession contributed to making the idea of gouging out eyes less popular in France than it remained for some time in Constantinople.

C  67   6 * 32 = 192
.  46 10013
 32    580 + 50 = 630
S  83 18016
.  46 22022
 32    630 + 192 = 822
L  76 29028
e 3269 35037
w 3287 43044
i 3273 50047
s 3283 58050

Here are the events of 822 AD:

* The crime itself was not committed that year!

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Austro-Fascisme et Empire Austro-Hongrois

L'Italie ne pratiqua pas l'eugénisme national-socialiste (documenté) · Austro-Fascisme et Empire Austro-Hongrois · Encore deux choses, s v p ...

Je n'ai pas à rougir pour l'Autriche parce que tel Saxon de Transylvanie ait préféré le National-Socialisme à l'Austro-Fascisme.

Je n'ai pas à rougir du Catholicisme parce qu'un Luthérien était criminel de guerre.

Je n'ai pas à rougir de l'Austro-Fascisme parce qu'un ignorant imagine qu'un "National-Socialiste de l'Autriche, c'est quand même un Austro-Fasciste" ... ben, non.

Je parle d'Artur Phleps.

Phleps was born in Birthälm (Biertan), near Hermannstadt in Siebenbürgen, then a part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire (modern-day Transylvania, Romania).[3] At the time, Siebenbürgen was densely populated by ethnic Germans, commonly referred to as Transylvanian Saxons. He was the third son of a surgeon, Dr. Gustav Phleps and Sophie (née Stolz), the daughter of a peasant. Both families had lived in Siebenbürgen for centuries.[4][5] After finishing the Lutheran Realschule school in Hermannstadt,[4] Phleps entered the Imperial and Royal cadet school in Pressburg (modern-day Slovakia) in 1900, and on 1 November 1901 was commissioned as a Leutnant (lieutenant) in the 3rd Regiment of the Tiroler Kaiserjäger (mountain infantry).[3][6]

Phleps est né à Birthälm (Biertan), près de Hermannstadt en Siebenbürgen, alors partie de l'Empire Austro-Hongrois (de nos jours, Transylvanie, Roumanie). À l'époque, Siebenbürgen était densément peuplé par des Allemands ethniques, normalement connus comme Saxons de la Transylvanie. Il était le troisième fils d'un chirurgien, le Dr. Gustav Phleps et de Sophie, née Stolz, la fille d'un paysan. Les deux familles avaient vécu à Siebenbürgen pour des siècles. Après de finir la Realschule (lycée scientifique) luthérienne à Hermannstadt, Phleps est entré à l'École des cadets impériale et royale de Pressburg ([Bratislava en] Slovakie actuelle) en 1900, et le 1 novemble 1901, il fut nommé lieutenant dans le IIIe Régiment des Tiroler Kaiserjäger (infanterie de montagne).

Quelques précisions sur Birthälm ? Oui.

Biertan is one of the most important Saxon villages with fortified churches in Transylvania, having been on the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites since 1993. The Biertan fortified church was the seat of the Evangelical Lutheran Bishop in Transylvania between 1572 and 1867.

Biertan est une des plus important villages saxons avec églises fortifiées en Transylvanie, ayant été dans la liste d'UNESCO Patrimoine mondial depuis 1993. L'église fortifiée de Biertan était le siège d'un Évêque "evangelisch"-luthérien en Transylvanie entre 1572 et 1867.

Mais pourquoi je l'évoque dans ce contexte ?

On 30 December 1941, Generalfeldmarschall (field marshal) Wilhelm Keitel advised Himmler that Adolf Hitler had authorised the raising of a seventh Waffen-SS division from the Volksdeutsche (ethnic Germans) of Yugoslavia.[20] ... On 1 March 1942, the division was officially designated the SS-Freiwilligen-Division "Prinz Eugen".[20] ... While under Phleps's command, the division committed many crimes against the civilian population of the NDH, especially during Case White and Case Black.[34] These included "burning villages, massacre of inhabitants, torture and murder of captured partisans", earning the division a distinctive reputation for cruelty.[22] These charges have been denied by Kumm, among others.

Le 30 décembre 1941, le Generalfeldmarschall (maréchal de campagne) Wilhelm Keitel avisa à Himmler qu'Adolf Hitler avait autorisé le recrutement d'une septième division de Waffen-SS de parmi les Volksdeutsche (Allemands ethniques) de la Yugoslavie. ... Le 1er mars 1942, la division fut officiellement désigné la Division de Volontaires SS "Prince Eugène". ... Pendant la commande de Phleps, la division commit plusieurs crimes contre les populations civiles de la NDH [de l'État indépendant de Croatie], surtout pendant les opérations Weiss et Schwarz. Ceux-ci incluaient "incendies de villages, massacres d'habitants, torture et meurtre de partisans capturés", gagnant à la division une réputation distincte de la cruauté. Ces accusations ont été niés par Kumm, parmi d'autres.

D'une vidéo qui visait la religion national-socialiste "Gottesgläubig" j'ai trouvé que juste un quart de la Waffen-SS était Gottesgläubig. À peu près la même chose pour les Catholiques. Les 51 % des SS étaient des Protestants.

Vous vous souvenez que son père était chirurgien ?

Phleps was married; his wife's name was Grete. They had a son, Reinhart, and a daughter, Irmingard.[62] One of Phleps's brothers became a doctor, and the other was a professor at the Danzig technical university, now Gdańsk University of Technology.[4]

Phleps était marié; le prénom de sa femme était Grete (Marguerète). Ils avaient un fils, Reinhart, et une fille, Irmingard. Un des frères de Phleps devint médecin, et l'autre était professeur à l'université de technologie de Danzig, de nos jours l'L'École polytechnique de Gdańsk.

Phleps a servi en trois états. Autriche-Hongrie. Royaume de Roumanie. Troisième Reich / Allemagne. Pas une seconde dans la République d'Autriche allemande / Première République entre les deux guerres. Comme il n'a probablement jamais été à une messe catholique, sauf peut-être pour obligations sociales (mariage ou funèbres d'un Catholique qu'il connut et de la suite). Il a été membre du parti National-Socialiste (au moins à titre de membre des SS), pas une seconde dans le parti Chrétien social.

Ce n'est pas à un adhérent de Dollfuss, ayant grandi à Vienne catholique, de rougir de Phleps. Le genre de crimes qu'il commit était d'ailleurs celui de Coligny, de traiter des résistants pas de la caste guerroyère comme des criminels à pendre. Ce qui remonte quelque part à la recommendation de Luther vis-à-vis les Rustauds. Un peu moins grave dans le genre, Robert E. Lee était pour la remise en esclavage des soldats noirs unionistes, y compris de ceux qui avaient été libérés avant la guerre. Pour lui, sans doute, un Noir même libre n'était pas un citoyen de plein droit, mais devait s'abstenir de porter d'armes (un seul état esclavagiste permettait à des Noirs émancipés de porter armes : la Louisiane, auparavant française).

Je remercie la wikipédie anglophone d'avoir "featured" (labellisé ?) l'article sur Phleps.

Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Mathieu, Apôtre et Évangéliste

In Aethiopia natalis sancti Matthaei, Apostoli et Evangelistae; qui, in ea regione praedicans, martyrium passus est. Hujus Evangelium, Hebraeo sermone conscriptum, ipso Matthaeo revelante, inventum est, una cum corpore beati Barnabae Apostoli, tempore Zenonis Imperatoris.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

L'Italie ne pratiqua pas l'eugénisme national-socialiste (documenté)

L'Italie ne pratiqua pas l'eugénisme national-socialiste (documenté) · Austro-Fascisme et Empire Austro-Hongrois · Encore deux choses, s v p ...

Un article :

CAIRN : Construire l’« homme nouveau » : le fascisme et l’eugénique « latine »
Par Francesco Cassata, Traduit de l’italien par Léa Drouet

Deux extraits :

À la même période, une autre série d’événements contribue à préciser la position italienne en matière d’eugénique et de politique de la population. En décembre 1930, Pie XI, dans l’encyclique Casti Connubii, condamne radicalement le contrôle des naissances, le certificat prénuptial, l’avortement et la stérilisation. Au cours des mois qui suivent, Agostino Gemelli, fondateur et recteur de l’université catholique du Sacré-Cœur de Milan et vice-président de la SIGE, défend et promeut activement les arguments avancés dans l’encyclique papale [17]. Entre mars et octobre 1931, Gemelli, répondant dans les pages de la revue Vita e Pensiero aux accusations de « médiévalisme » lancées par la revue britannique Eugenics Review, exalte la « valeur eugénique incalculable » de la morale sexuelle catholique : la chasteté comme mode de contrôle des naissances ; la tempérance comme rempart contre les méfaits de l’alcoolisme ; le sacrement du mariage comme remède aux risques anti-eugéniques de la consanguinité et des naissances illégitimes [18]. Un an plus tard, en octobre 1932, au congrès des Médecins catholiques de Florence, les principes de l’eugénique catholique sont à nouveau revendiqués non seulement par Gemelli, mais aussi par Francesco Leoncini, professeur de médecine légale à l’université de Florence, et par Giuseppina Pastori, professeur de biologie générale à l’université catholique de Milan [19]. À la fin de ses travaux, le congrès des Médecins catholiques de Florence approuve une résolution sur l’eugénique qui rejette durement la « propagation des normes eugéniques […] qui sont en contradiction avec les lois divines et contraires à la dignité humaine [20] ». Indubitablement, le compromis institutionnel, idéologique et politique entre le régime fasciste et l’Église catholique (consacré en 1929 par la signature des accords de Latran) sera décisif dans l’affirmation, en Italie comme sur la scène internationale, d’une eugénique « latine », nataliste et populationniste.

En septembre 1933, le journal Popolo d’Italia critique ouvertement la législation nazie, à laquelle elle oppose la « méthode » fasciste [56]. Cette fois, la communauté scientifique n’a pas de difficultés à suivre les indications du régime, stigmatisant l’extrémisme eugénique nazi comme « barbare » et « antiscientifique » et opposant l’équilibre « méditerranéen » et « latin » au mysticisme « aryen » des Allemands [57]. À l’occasion de la IIe Réunion européenne pour l’hygiène mentale, en septembre 1933, Sante De Sanctis, éminent représentant de la psychologie expérimentale italienne, juge « catastrophique » la stérilisation coercitive [58]. Le congrès de Rome de la Société de médecine légale approuve les conclusions du rapport de Salvatore Ottolenghi, Stérilisation du délinquant et médecine légale, qui condamne la stérilisation comme contraire à l’esprit du nouveau Code pénal [59].

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Mais il pourrait profiter d'une histoire des idées un peu plus correcte !

New blog on the kid : Vive Claude EON ! · Φιλολoγικά/Philologica : Mais il pourrait profiter d'une histoire des idées un peu plus correcte ! · New blog on the kid : En défense de M. Claude Eon

Je continue la lecture de Claude EON :

Jusqu’en 1543 le monde catholique accepta cette lecture proposée par Dieu Lui-même. ... Le remplacement du géocentrisme biblique et divin par un héliocentrisme d’origine purement humaine était un mépris de la parole divine, un nouveau péché originel [...] Redoutant par-dessus tout une nouvelle affaire Galilée, l’Église n’osa pas se battre pour le géocentrisme et accepta une théorie cosmologique dépourvue de preuve contredisant la parole de Dieu.

Je ne suis nullement sûr que l'héliocentrisme soit d'origine purement humaine.

Je suis pas contre très sûr que 1543 ne marqua pas un tournant radical dans le monde catholique.

Le livre de Copernic faisait un peu le scandale, mais il ne se trouvait pas si pris au sérieux par le peuple que par les papes.

La crainte d'une nouvelle affaire Galilée est certes très handicapant de nos jours, mais ne commença ni en 1543, ni en 1633, mais au contraire, plus tard.

Je dirais, dans l'ère des Lumières et de la Révolution Française.

a) Parce que l'Église était attaquée, elle devait choisir ses batailles, et si on ne faisait pas trop d'attention, par exemple à Josué 10:12, on pourrait dire que Josué 10:13 s'expliquait par langage phénoménologique et on avait esquivé une des attaques en pas mal de cas ;
b) et parce que les attaques avaient largement ôté à l'Église une tradition de ne pas accepter l'héliocentrisme en tant que théorie adéquate, tout juste une hypothèse (on dirait de nos jours un modèle) les gens qui avaient l'habitude de faire ces distinctions étaient morts. Ou traumatisés. Le bon Anfossi existait encore, mais il était esseulé.

Notez, l'Église n'a pas simplement prêché l'Héliocentrisme depuis 1820. Elle a dit qu'on pouvait la soutenir sans d'encourir des censures, nuance ! Elle n'a en rien dit que le fidèle était obligé de l'accepter, au moins pas avant 1992, avec les discours de "Jean-Paul II" et son "Catechisme de l'Église Catholique", ce qui n'est pas une décision valable à partir d'un antipape. Par contre, depuis 1820, on a largément omis de combattre l'héliocentrisme comme hérésie.

L'héliocentrisme n'est pas purement humain. Que le diable ait eu un doigt dans le jeu à propos de certains joueurs humains est probable, genre Newton (récemment surnommé "le dernier Sumérien" à partir de ses trucs de superstitions), genre Milton (hérétique néo-Arien), genre Désaguyliers (proto-Franc-Maçon et admirateur de Newton). Le monde et ses pas juste vanités, mais même contraintes, a joué pas mal du temps après. L'école laïque, gratuite, obligatoire avec ses Hussards noirs, comme ses homologues autre part, par exemple en Prusse, depuis que la "princesse prusse"* éduquée par correspondence par Euler eût à entendre que :

a) les extraterrestres considéreraient leurs propres planètes comme le centre immobile de l'univers avec le même droit (argument encore assez fort dans le monde germanique, quand j'étais enfant à Vienne) ;
b) et Newton avait prouvé la nécessité (en fait non) de quoi le Soleil retienne la Terre en orbite plutôt que le contraire (en supposant bien entendu les causalités non volontaires comme les seules pertinentes pour les corps célestes).

La princesse elle-même, Frédérique-Charlotte de Brandebourg-Schwedt était déjà morte quand le baron Karl Sigmund Franz vom Stein zum Altenstein imposa l'école obligatoire sur tout territoire alors dans le royaume de la Prusse ... Cologne aussi, depuis la sécularisation des principautés spirituelles. Et donc, à partir de 1825, les Catholiques se voyaient davantage critiqués pour "le cas Galilée" ... qui, avec Giordano Bruno fait partie du panthéon de "saints" maçonniques (sans avoir été franc-maçon, quoique Giordano était au moins un "initié" plutôt gnostique). Mais déjà aux temps de Giuseppe Settele, l'Église se trouvait sous pression.

Je ne vais pas prétendre pour l'héliocentrisme une origine simplement humaine, comme pour la philosophie de Socrate, Platon ou Aristote. Il y a eu des pressions sociales malhonnêtes et par abus de pouvoir et derrière ça on pourrait retrouver le démon. Entretemps, la Bible et quelque siècles avant nous, l'Église, elles ont soutenu un vrai moyen humain de comprendre un peu sur Dieu. L'héliocentrisme est quelque part le berceau de l'athéisme.

Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Nom de Marie

Festum sanctissimi Nominis beatae Mariae, quod Innocentius Undecimus, Pontifex Maximus, ob insignem victoriam de Turcis, ipsius Virginis praesidio, Vindobonae in Austria reportatam, celebrari jussit.

* Lettres à une princesse d’Allemagne – sur divers sujets de physique et de philosophie (wikipédie allemande, l'article manquant sur celle de la francophonie)

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Swedish Pride

I had the horror of hearing someone utter the evils now current in parts of Swedish Christendom on youtube.

However, right after, there came a reason to take pride in my Swedish heritage from older days:

Perhaps the greatest contribution of New Sweden to the development of the New World is the log house building technique. The colonists of New Sweden brought with them the log cabin, which became such an icon of the American frontier that it is commonly thought of as an American structure.[31][32] The C. A. Nothnagle Log House on Swedesboro-Paulsboro Road in Gibbstown, New Jersey, is one of the oldest surviving log houses in the United States.[33][34]

For those who want to know more, the footnotes 31 to 34 read:

31) Henry C. Pitz, The Brandywine Tradition, Weathervane Books, 1968. pp. 4–5.
32) Mary Trotter Kion, "New Sweden: The First Colony in Delaware". July 23, 2006; accessed 2010.03.10.
33) "Nothnagle Log Cabin, Gibbstown". Art and Archtitecture of New Jersey. Richard Stokton College of New Jersey. Archived from the original on July 19, 2011. Retrieved May 24, 2011
34) Oldest – Log House in North America – Superlatives on Archived March 28, 2019, at the Wayback Machine. Retrieved on July 23, 2013.

From link on "33":

around 1638 by Swedish or Finnish settlers

Sweden back then included Finland as a Duchy. Both ethnicities live in both modern countries. The third ethnicity living in them, Lapps, was not likely to get across the Atlantic in 1638./HGL

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Long Live the Johns!

As for now, the wiki page is decent.

Marriage of Charlie Johns and Eunice Winstead

Winstead dropped out of school in 1937.[13] She attended school for two days but her husband pulled her out after she was switched for misbehaving.[14] State law was changed to reflect that married children were exempt from compulsory education.[5]

As of 1938 the couple still lived with Johns' parents.[15] They slept together in the same room.[8] In December 1942, at the age of fifteen, Winstead gave birth to the couple's first child. They subsequently had eight more children.[2][10] Johns objected when his oldest child, 17-year-old Evelyn, eloped in 1960 with 20-year-old John Antrican. He alleged that Antrican had falsified Evelyn's age to obtain a marriage license.[16] Johns and Winstead remained married until Johns' death in 1997. Winstead died in 2006.[2][10]


Child marriage is rare in the U.S., though this varies by state
By David McClendon and Aleksandra Sandstrom, November 1, 2016

I object to the term "child marriage" in cases where both have reached puberty, of course./HGL

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Gaslighting Does Not Mean Simply Shifting the Blame

A certain James Bogle Esq. seems to have used the word "gaslighting" in the sense of "shifting the blame" to me here:

Correspondence of Hans Georg Lundahl: While the Debate May be Over, It is Yet to be Reviewed

Michael Lofton used the word "gaslighting" in the sense of "shifting the blame" about Russians in relations to Ukraine here:

Did Ukraine Just Ban Orthodox Christianity?
Reason & Theology | 22.VIII.2024

It's a sad day when the word "gaslighting" is being so abused after about a decade ago being unknown, I had to answer the question whether that was even a word.

Yes, it is a word, and it does not mean "shifting the blame" it means shifting a very particular type of blamedness as to a very particular type of situation.

When the abusive husband in the film Gas Light wants his wife to conclude she is insane, the blame of insanity is not one belonging properly to him, and the blame belonging to him, that of very devious manipulation, is not one he wants to shift to his wife. He only is shifting the quality of being the person to blame, but he is not shifting a particular blame between the persons, he is exchanging one type of blaim for a very different one.

He wants his wife to conclude she is insane, he wants her to consult, be locked up, and use the incapacities that go with her (supposed) insanity to take care of her belongings so he can steal from her.

Gaslighting doesn't mean telling someone to take the blame that's really one's own, it means giving someone clues for concluding he or she is mad, and if any extension should be made, it's giving someone else such clues when the person concerned refuses to be fooled. I would suggest, psychiatry thrives on Dunning Kruger and Prejudice in its own personnel, on Stockholm syndrome in the patients, but also on gaslighting in third parties. If people abusing the term succeed in making it just a shorthand for "shifting the blame" it will involve my charge against psychiatry becoming incomprehensible./HGL

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Elisabeth Tudor or Boleyn as Distributist and Luddite

Atlas Obscura often has a good story to tell. This one is from Tuder times (unless you prefer to consider Elisabeth as Boleyn)

A Machine That Made Stockings Helped Kick Off the Industrial Revolution
by Sarah Laskow September 19, 2017

Sarah Laskow gave a subtitle:

Queen Elizabeth I wanted none of it.

Here is the quote that goes with it:

Queen Elizabeth had some sense of what mechanically produced stockings might mean, and she wanted none of it. “I have too much love for my poor people who obtain their bread by the employment of knitting to give my money to forward an invention that will tend to their ruin by depriving them of employment and thus making them beggars,” she pronounced.

Both Elisabeth and Oliver Cromwell persecuted Catholics. If Chesterton appreciated the latter for at least not banning beer, I think he would also have appreciated to mention this good side of Elisabeth./HGL

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

What Does Vladimir Mean?

Rus' matters. · Nearly Ten Years Ago I Was Probably Wrong About Fatima · What Does Vladimir Mean?

On the German Quora, I found this:

Stammt der russische Name Wladimir, wie in Wladimir Putin, von dem deutschen Namen Waldemar oder ist es ein slawischer Name?

Stefan Speck knows Russian.

So, Old East Slavic Володимѣръ and Old Church Slavonic Владимѣръ (pronounced respectively Volodiměrъ and Vladiměrъ) mean "rule-famous" or "might-famous". The newer and changed Slavonic version Владимир / Vladimir basically means "rule the world!" ...

Now a question or two or three.

  • Does that sound like sth mentioned in the Bible? King Solomon was famous by his rule and someone else will (briefly, 3 and a 1/2 years plus possibly non-persecuting prequel) rule all nations (Apocalypse 13:7).
  • Does ruling the world sound like sth that "Vladimir I" / "Vladimir A" / Lenin came close to achieving?
  • Does ruling the world sound like sth that "Vladimir II" / "Vladimir B" could come to achieve, if the incompetence of those mainly opposing him* takes its toll?

Herzlichen Dank, Herr Speck!

Meawhile, trying to oppose Putin by promoting abortion or homoliberalism is idiotic. God will not be mocked. God will also not allow a persecutor into power, unless he's punishing someone else. Right now, he's not posing as a persecutor of Christians, but I don't think he's a Christian, or his Christian if at all faith is compromised, and that could one day very easily lead to tensions with actual Catholic Christians.

Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Cajetan of Thiena

* A competent opposition to Putin would have been one taking Vysehrad countries and especially Lech Kaczyński as the moral lead.

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Nearly Ten Years Ago I Was Probably Wrong About Fatima

Rus' matters. · Nearly Ten Years Ago I Was Probably Wrong About Fatima · What Does Vladimir Mean?

Here is what I wrote:

I sometimes feel that if Portuguese does not make the difference between Rus' and Rossia, Our Lady at Fatima by consecration of "Russia" might have meant Rus' rather than Rossia. Of course, she might have meant both.

Why was this wrong?

Because Kievan Rus' was already consecrated to Our Lady in the Middle Ages.

Fatima is probably about allowing Rossia to catch up with Kievan Rus'.

Ukraine is already consecrated since close to a millennium ago. It's time for Muscovy to catch up. Will try to add source later./HGL

PS, requesting the consecration of Russia could if so also be a hint She does not count Muscovy as heir to Rus', but regards the Dnipr state as the heir thereof./HGL

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

What State Was Longest?

David to Captivity, for II Kings 1 (II Samuel 1), the Haydock Bible with the Ussher chronology says:

Year of the World 2949, Year before Christ 1055.

And for IV Kings 24:8 it is:

Year of the World 3405, Year before Christ 599.

For IV Kings 25:9 it is:

Year of the World 3416, Year before Christ 558

1055 - 558 = 497 years.
3416 - 2949 = 467 years.

For II Paralipomenon 36:22 I find:

Year of the World 3468, A.C. 536.

For Matthew 2:1 I find:

Year of the World 4000, being four years before the common account called Anno Domini.[A.D., in the year of the Lord]; Luke ii. 7.

This was close enough to the time when Herod the Great died and when Judaea lost sovereignty, went from status of Protectorate (or Auxiliarii) to that of Province.

4000 - 3468 = 532
536 - 4 = 532

Judaea became a Roman province in AD 6, the province of this name lasted to 132, but under other names, with other borders, Judaea was under Rome and Constantinople up to the Conquest by Omar, with a brief and sad (for Christians at least) interlude with the invasion of Khosrhoës II.

The Byzantine army was eventually defeated at the Battle of Fahl on 23 January 635.

635 - 6 = 629
634 - 6 = 628

The Roman era (unless we arbitrarily disconnect Byzantines) was actually longer than either the Davidic kingdom or the Returners from Cyrus.

Famously, there was a Crusader period after this:

1099 - 635 = 464 years.

Arab Muslim Period shorter than any of the three above.

1291 - 1099 = 192 years.

Kingdom of Jerusalem shorter than any of the three first.

The Mamluks?

1517 - 1250 = 267 years.


1922 - 1517 = 405 years.


1948 - 1922 = 26 years.

State of Israel?

2024 - 1948 = 76 years.

I would say the longest régime (after Abraham's times) was the Roman one, and the longest part of that, the régime was Christian.

Indigenous people were Christians in this time. Christian Palestinians descend to a high degree from them. And they from the Davidic Kingdom, which was fulfilled in AD 33, at Pentecost. The Catholic Church has an even longer presence here than the Roman Empire.

2024 - 33 = 1991 years.

She's sovereign, even if she has no armies. Through her the wars between Judah and Ephraim ceased, forever. Through her also God's word of peace went out to all nations. The prophecies were fulfilled.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Sts Abdon and Sennen

Romae sanctorum Martyrum Abdon et Sennen Persarum, qui, sub Decio, catenis alligati et Romam adducti, pro Christi fide prius plumbatis caesi sunt, deinde gladio interfecti.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Seven Female Lineages, Seventyone Women, High or Classic Middle Ages

I'll be linking more systematically to the wikis I quote. We speak of the period that English with German and Swedish tends to consider as "High Middle Ages" = the peak of the wave, so to speak, and which French considers as "Moyen âge classique" which means Classic Middle Ages.

A, First Lineage:

I Agatha (before 1030 – after 1070) Nothing is known of Agatha's early life, and what speculation has appeared is inextricably linked to the contentious issue of Agatha's paternity, one of the unresolved questions of medieval genealogy. As the birth of her children is speculatively placed at around the year 1045, her own birth was probably before about 1030. -> II, XVI

II Saint Margaret of Scotland (c. 1045 – 16 November 1093) After she and her family fled north, Margaret married Malcolm III of Scotland by the end of 1070. -> III, V

III Matilda of Scotland (originally christened Edith,[a] 1080 – 1 May 1118), Edith and Henry were married on 11 November 1100 at Westminster Abbey by Archbishop Anselm of Canterbury. -> IV

IV Empress Matilda (c. 7 February 1102 – 10 September 1167)

The couple met at Liège before travelling to Utrecht where, on 10 April, they became officially betrothed.[19] On 25 July Matilda was crowned German queen in a ceremony at Mainz.[20] There was a considerable age gap between the couple, as Matilda was only eight years old while Henry was 24.[21] After the betrothal she was placed into the custody of Bruno, the archbishop of Trier, who was tasked with educating her in German culture, manners and government.[22][23][nb 5] In January 1114 Matilda was ready to be married to Henry, and their wedding was held at the city of Worms amid extravagant celebrations.[24] Matilda now entered public life in Germany, complete with her own household.[25]

[So, "married at 8" = "betrothal at 8, married later" and in this case at 12 minus some)

V Mary of Scotland, Countess of Boulogne (1082–1116), Matilda finally left the monastery in 1100 to marry King Henry I of England. ... [It is unclear whether this reposes on some kind of misunderstanding, so Mary married some time between 1096 and 1104, as far as I'm concerned.] -> VI

VI Matilda I, Countess of Boulogne Matilda (c.1105 – 3 May 1152) was Countess of Boulogne in her own right from 1125 and Queen of England from the accession of her husband, Stephen, in 1135 until her death in 1152 -> VII

VII Marie I, Countess of Boulogne Marie I or Mary (1136 – 25 July 1182 in St Austrebert, Montreuil, France) was the suo jure Countess of Boulogne from 1159 to 1170. She also held the post of Abbess of Romsey for five years until her abduction by Matthew of Alsace, who forced her to marry him. She is one of several possible identities of the author Marie de France. -> VIII, X

VIII Ida, Countess of Boulogne Ida of Boulogne (c. 1160 – 1216) was suo jure Countess of Boulogne from 1173 until her death. ... Her father continued to rule until his death in 1173, when she succeeded. Upon the advice of her uncle, Philip I, Count of Flanders, she married first in 1181, to Gerard of Guelders, but he died in the same year. -> IX

IX Matilda II, Countess of Boulogne Mahaut or Matilda II of Boulogne (also known as Mathilde, Maud de Dammartin; 1202 – January 1259) was Countess of Boulogne in her own right and Queen of Portugal by marriage to King Afonso III from 1248 until their divorce in 1253. ... In 1223, Matilda married her first husband, Philippe Hurepel, Count of Clermont-en-Beauvais, a younger, arguably illegitimate son of King Philip II of France.

X Matilda of Boulogne, Duchess of Brabant Matilda of Boulogne (1170 – 16 October 1210) was the younger daughter of Matthew, Count of Boulogne, and Marie I, Countess of Boulogne.[1] Matilda became Duchess of Brabant by her marriage to Henry I, Duke of Brabant.[2] Matilda married Henry I, Duke of Brabant, in 1180.

[Given birth years of children, the couple "waited" pretty long after the formal marriage / betrothal] -> XI, XII, XIII

XI Maria of Brabant, Holy Roman Empress Maria of Brabant (c. 1190 – May/June 1260), a member of the House of Reginar, was Holy Roman Empress from 1214 until 1215 as the second and last wife of the Welf emperor Otto IV. ... Otto and Maria of Brabant got married on 19 May 1214 in Maastricht.

XII Adelaide of Brabant (also known as Alix of Brabant, Aleyde de Brabant, Alix of Louvain or Adelheid van Brabant), born around 1190, died in 1265, was Countess of Boulogne from 1262 to 1265, the third reigning Countess in succession. She was the daughter of Henry I, Duke of Brabant and Matilda of Boulogne. She first married Arnoul III, Count of Rieneck and Looz (died 1221), around 1206, without issue. / Widowed, she remarried ...

XIII Matilda of Brabant, Countess of Holland, also called Machteld (c. 1200 – 22 December 1267), was Countess of Holland by marriage to Floris IV, Count of Holland. She was regent of Holland and Zeeland in 1234–1235. ... She married Floris IV, Count of Holland[2] on 6 December 1224. -> XIV, XV

XIV Adelaide of Holland (Dutch: Aleide (Aleidis); c. 1230 – buried 9 April 1284), was a Countess of Hainaut by marriage to John I, Count of Hainaut. ... On 9 October 1246, Adelaide married John I of Avesnes, Count of Hainaut.

XV Margaret of Holland, Countess of Henneberg (1234 – 26 March 1276) was a Dutch countess, known for a famous medieval legend. She was a daughter of Count Floris IV of Holland and his wife, Matilda of Brabant. Margaret married on Pentecost of 1249 to Count Herman I of Henneberg-Coburg. This marriage had political background, because Hermann had hoped to be elected King of the Germans earlier in 1246, but had lost to Margaret's brother William II. In an attempt to strengthen his influence in Germany, William had arranged a marriage between his sister and a German count.

XVI Cristina, daughter of Edward the Exile and Agatha, was the sister of Edgar Ætheling and Saint Margaret of Scotland, born in the 1040s. Cristina's nieces Edith and Mary were sent to Romsey Abbey, near Southampton, in 1086 when she was abbess. The date of her death is not known, but she does not appear to have given evidence to the conclave, suggesting she died sometime before 1100. Additional evidence of her death includes the transfer before 1093 of her nieces to Wilton Abbey for further education and the appointment of Eadgyth as the next abbess of Romsey Abbey.

[No statistics possible]

B, Second Lineage:

XVII Gisela of Burgundy (c.  955 – 21 July 1007), a member of the royal Elder House of Welf, was Duchess of Bavaria from about 972 to 976 and again from 985 to 995, by her marriage with Duke Henry the Wrangler. She was the mother of Emperor Henry II. About 965 Gisela was betrothed to Otto's nephew Henry the Wrangler, who then ruled as Duke of Bavaria; the couple married some time before 972.[2] Emperor Otto I died in 973 and was succeeded by his son Otto II. The 18-year-old had to cope with the Burgundian relations of his Bavarian cousin, forming a considerable power bloc in the southern domains of his realm. -> XVIII

XVIII Gisela of Hungary (or Gisele, Gizella and of Bavaria; c. 985 – 7 May 1065) was the first queen consort of Hungary by marriage to Stephen I of Hungary, and the sister of Henry II, Holy Roman Emperor. She has been beatified by the Catholic Church. ... She married King Stephen I of Hungary in 996[1] as a part of Hungary's policy of opening up to the West.

C, Third Lineage:

XIX Estrid of the Obotrites (c. 979 – 1035) was Queen of Sweden in the Viking age, a West Slavic princess married to Olof Skötkonung, King of Sweden c. 1000–1022.[1] She was the mother of King Anund Jacob of Sweden and the Kievan Rus' saint and grand princess Ingegerd Olofsdotter.[2] -> XX

XX Ingegerd Olofsdotter of Sweden, also known as Irene or Anna (1001 – 10 February 1050), was a Swedish princess and the grand princess of Kiev from 1019 to 1050 as the wife of Yaroslav the Wise. She was the daughter of the Swedish king Olof Skötkonung by his wife Estrid of the Obotrites. She is venerated as a saint in the Eastern Orthodox Church. ... Olof Skötkonung subsequently arranged for the marriage of Princess Ingegerd to the powerful Grand Prince Yaroslav I the Wise of Novgorod with whom Sweden had a flourishing trade relationship. The marriage took place in 1019. -> XXI, XXII

XXI Anastasia of Kiev (Russian: Анастасия Ярославна; Ukrainian: Анастасія Ярославна; c. 1023 – 1074/1094) was Queen of Hungary by marriage to King Andrew the White. ... Around 1038 Anastasia married Duke Andrew of Hungary,[1] who had settled down in Kiev after his father Vazul took part in a failed assassination attempt aimed at King Stephen I of Hungary -> XXIII

XXII Anne of Kiev or Anna Yaroslavna[a] (c. 1030 – 1075) was a princess of Kievan Rus who became Queen of France in 1051 upon marrying King Henry I. She ruled the kingdom as regent during the minority of their son Philip I from Henry's death in 1060 until her controversial marriage to Count Ralph IV of Valois. Anne founded the Abbey of St. Vincent at Senlis.

Anne and Henry were married for nine years and had three sons: Philip, Robert (who died young), and Hugh. Anne is often credited with introducing the Greek name "Philip" to royal families of Western Europe, as she bestowed it on her first son; she might have imported this Greek name from her Eastern Orthodox culture.[5] There may also have been a daughter, Emma, perhaps born in 1055; it is unknown if she married or when she died.[2] Henry and Anne of Kiev are additionally said to have been the parents of the beatified figure Edigna.[8]

On whom:

According to legend, Edigna was a daughter of Henry I of France and Anne of Kiev,[1] and was born c. 1055.[2] In 1074, at the age of 19,[3] she fled to Bavaria on a farmer's bullock cart to escape an arranged marriage.[1] The farmer stopped in Puch, Fürstenfeldbruck, where a rooster in the cart crowed and a bell rang. Edigna took this as a sign that she should leave the cart. She remained in Puch until her death on 26 February, 1109, living as a hermit in a hollowed-out linden tree and revered by the people as a miracle worker.[1] She did not reveal her royal background, but it was discovered after her death.[3] When she died, holy oil flowed from the tree, but it dried up when attempts were made to sell it.[1]

Edigna has been venerated since her death, and regarded as the patroness saint of Puch.[1]

This would make it likely that Anne of Kiev introduced the idea of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary (before her held in the East but mostly not in the Augustinian West), to Paris, to Senlis, to Puch in Bavaria. Except that Militant Thomist argues the West was not all that against the Immaculate Conception in the first place. On to her niece:

XXIII Adelaide of Hungary (c. 1040 – 27 January 1062)[1] was the only daughter of King Andrew I of Hungary.[2] It has generally been assumed that her mother was Anastasia of Kiev,[3] but it has been hypothesised that Adelaide could be the result of Andrew I and a different wife, due to the idea that Yaroslav the Wise wouldn't marry his daughter to an exiled dynast, who didn't appear to have a strong claim to the throne, for which he wouldn't gain serious support for until 1045, five years after Adelaide is thought to be born. [4] She was the second wife of Vratislav II of Bohemia, whom she married in 1058. -> XXIV

XXIV Judith of Bohemia (c. 1056/58 – 25 December 1086), also known as Judith Přemyslid, was a member of the Přemyslid dynasty and duchess of Poland by marriage. She was a daughter of Duke Vratislaus II of Bohemia and Adelaide of Hungary, and was married to Władysław Herman.[1][2] ... Around 1080, Judith married Duke Władysław Herman of Poland to solidify the recently established Bohemian-Polish alliance.

D, Fourth Lineage:

XXV Gertrude of Saxony (c. 1030 – August 4, 1113), also known as Gertrude Billung, was a countess of Holland by marriage to Floris I, Count of Holland, and countess of Flanders by marriage to Robert I, Count of Flanders. She was regent of Holland in 1061-1067 during the minority of her son Dirk V, and regent of Flanders during the absence of her spouse in 1086–1093. ... In c. 1050, she married Floris I, Count of Holland (c. 1017 – June 28, 1061).[2] Upon the death of her spouse in 1061, her son Dirk V became Count of Holland.[2] Since he was a minor, she became regent. -> XXVI, XXVIII

XXVI Bertha of Holland (c. 1055 – 15 October 1094), also known as Berthe or Bertha of Frisia and erroneously as Berta or Bertrada, was Queen of France from 1072 until 1092, as the first wife of King Philip I of France. Bertha's marriage to the king in 1072 was a result of peace negotiations between him and her stepfather, Count Robert I of Flanders. -> XVII

XXVII Constance of France (1078 – 14 September 1125/1126) was Countess of Troyes from her first marriage and Princess of Antioch from her second marriage. She was regent during the minority of her son. Constance was the eldest of five children and was the only daughter from her father's first marriage. Her brother was Louis VI of France. Constance was the daughter of King Philip I of France and Bertha of Holland.[1] Between 1093 and 1095, Phillip I arranged for his daughter, Constance, to marry Hugh, Count of Troyes and Champagne.

XXVIII Gertrude of Flanders (c. 1070–1117[1]), was a Countess of Louvain and Landgravine of Brabant by marriage to Henry III, Count of Leuven, and a Duchess of Lorraine by marriage to Theodoric II, Duke of Lorraine.[2] At the time the duchy was the upper Lorraine, since 959 separated from the duchy of Lower Lorraine. ... Gertrude married firstly Henry III, Count of Leuven (died wounded in a tournament in Tournai in 1095), of the House of Reginar. He was count of Louvain from 1078 to 1095 and landgrave of Brabant from 1085. ... They had four children, probably all daughters (born about 1092-1096) -> XXIX

XXIX Adelaide of Leuven (died c. 1158) was the wife of Simon I, Duke of Lorraine (1076–1138), in what is now France. She was the daughter of Henry III of Leuven and his wife Gertrude of Flanders. After the death of her husband, Adelaide retired to Tart Abbey. -> XXX

[1094 is her latest date of birth, since her father died 1095 and she had a younger full sister Gertrude, while the wikipedians state these siblings were born 1092 to 1096, I'll assume that 1084 is the terminus a quo, a time at which her mother was 14. For her marriage, I'll cite the French wiki on her husband]

Simon Ier de Lorraine Il épouse en 1112 ou 1113 Adélaïde de Louvain, fille d'Henri III de Louvain et de Gertrude de Flandre, laquelle est la belle-mère de Simon

[In fact, it's improbable she was born as early as 1084, since that would make her marriage undertaken at 29, not just a record high age for a lady so far, but also hardly the best prelude for giving birth to eight children.]

XXX Agatha of Lorraine (c. 1120 – April 1147) was the wife of her relative Reginald III, Count of Burgundy.[1][2] She was the daughter of Simon I, Duke of Lorraine[3] and his wife Adelaide of Leuven.

[Wiki on her husband]

About 1130, Reginald married Agatha, daughter of Duke Simon I of Lorraine.[4] They had a daughter, Beatrice I.[5] -> XXI

XXXI Beatrice I (1143 – 15 November 1184) was countess of Burgundy from 1148 until her death, and was also Holy Roman Empress by marriage to Frederick Barbarossa. She was crowned empress by Antipope Paschal III in Rome on 1 August 1167, and as Queen of Burgundy at Vienne in August 1178.

The wedding between Beatrice and Frederick took on 9 June 1156 at Würzburg.

E, Fifth Lineage:

XXXII Bertrade of Montfort (c. 1070 – 14 February 1117), also known by other names, was a Norman noble from the House of Montfort. She was countess of Anjou (1089–1092) through her first marriage to Fulk the Rude and then queen consort of France (1092–1108) through her initially bigamous marriage to Philip I. Condemned in her era's ecclesiastical histories, she played a role in the popularization of pigache footwear and founded a daughter house of Fontevraud Abbey at Hautes-Bruyeres.

Shortly after their 1089 marriage,[3] Bertrade bore Fulk's son and heir, Fulk V. -> XXXIII

XXXIII Cecile of France (1097 – 1145) was a French princess, daughter of Philip I of France and Bertrade de Montfort. Her first marriage was arranged while Bohemond I of Antioch was visiting the French court seeking support against Alexios I Komnenos. She sailed for Antioch at the end of 1106 and became Lady of Tarsus and Mamistra, in Cilician Armenia. Cecile married firstly (late 1106) Tancred, Prince of Galilee, Regent of Antioch, who succeeded in 1111 as Prince of Antioch.

F, Sixth Lineage:

XXXIV Gisela of Burgundy (1075–1135) was a Countess consort of Savoy[1] and a Marchioness consort of Montferrat. Gisela was the spouse of Humbert II, Count of Savoy and later of Rainier of Montferrat whom she married after Humbert's death. Gisela was the daughter of William I, Count of Burgundy[2] and his consort Stephanie.

[French wiki]

Vers 1090, elle épouse Humbert II, sixième comte en Maurienne, également seigneur du Bugey, d'Aoste et du Chablais et marquis de Suse4,5,6. -> XXXV

XXXV Adelaide of Maurienne, also called Alix or Adele[1] (1092 – 18 November 1154) was Queen of France as the second wife of King Louis VI (1115–1137). ... Adelaide became the second wife of King Louis VI of France, whom she married on 3 August 1115 in Paris, France. -> XXXVI

XXXVI Constance of France (c. 1126 – c. 1190) was a French princess of the House of Capet, the only daughter of Louis VI of France and his wife Adélaide de Maurienne. Amongst her siblings was Louis VII, who succeeded their father in 1137.

In 1140, Constance married Eustace IV, Count of Boulogne, son of Stephen, King of England.[1] The couple were married for thirteen years until Eustace's death, they had no children.

The following year, Constance was married to Raymond V, Count of Toulouse. -> XXXVII

XXXVII French wiki Adélaïde de Toulouse est née à Toulouse vers 1158 et morte en 1200.

La jeune mariée est belle, aux dires des troubadours et son parti est particulièrement avantageux pour Roger II. Le mariage a lieu en 1171.

G, Seventh Lineage:

XXXVIII Dangereuse de l'Isle Bouchard (Poitevin: Dangerosa; 1079 – 1151) was the daughter of Bartholomew of l'Isle Bouchard and his wife Gerberge de Blaison. She was the maternal grandmother of the celebrated Eleanor of Aquitaine. She was also mistress to her granddaughters' paternal grandfather, William IX, Duke of Aquitaine. As the mistress of William the Troubadour, she was known as La Maubergeonne for the tower he built for her at his castle in Poitiers. -> XXXIX

Dangereuse ("Dangerous") was a sobriquet she received for her seductiveness; her baptismal name may have been Amauberge or Amal(a)berge.

Dangereuse married Aimery I, Viscount of Châtellerault, at an unknown date. She advised her husband to donate property to the priory of Saint-Denis-de-Vaux in a charter dated 1109, which means they were married before this point.

Dangereuse and Aimery were married for around seven years before she left her husband to become mistress to Duke William IX; this became an infamous liaison.

Humiliated, in 1116, Philippa [her rival] chose to retire to the Abbey of Fontevrault.

[She was married at the latest at 30, but with 8 children, that is unlikely. I'll set her as married 25 to 29 years old. Wait ... her oldest son must have been born 1098 or 1099, so she was married c. 1097 or 1098, 16 to 19 years old]

XXXIX Aénor of Châtellerault (also known as Aénor de Rochefoucauld), Duchess of Aquitaine, (born c. 1103 in Châtellerault, died March 1130 in Talmont) was the mother of Eleanor of Aquitaine, who became one of the most powerful women of her generation in Europe. [May have been counted twice by mistake] -> XL, XLI

XL Eleanor of Aquitaine (French: Aliénor d'Aquitaine, Éléonore d'Aquitaine, Occitan: Alienòr d'Aquitània, pronounced [aljeˈnɔɾ dakiˈtanjɔ], Latin: Helienordis, Alienorde or Alianor;[a] c. 1124 – 1 April 1204) was Duchess of Aquitaine from 1137 to 1204, Queen of France from 1137 to 1152 as the wife of King Louis VII,[4] and Queen of England from 1154 to 1189 as the wife of King Henry II. As the heiress of the House of Poitiers, which controlled much of southwestern France, she was one of the wealthiest and most powerful women in Western Europe during the High Middle Ages. -> XLIV, L, LX, LXII, LXIX

XLI Petronilla of Aquitaine (c. 1125 – c.1151) was a French noble. She was the second daughter of William X of Aquitaine and Aenor of Châtellerault. She was the elder sister of William Aigret and the younger sister of Eleanor of Aquitaine, who was Queen consort of France, later England. She is variously called Alix (or Aelith in Occitan) and Petronilla; she typically went by Alix after her marriage, while Petronilla seems to have been her childhood name (she is referred to as such in her father's will). -> XLII

XLII Elisabeth (French: Élisabeth), also known as Isabelle Mabille (1143 – Arras, 28 March 1183), was ruling Countess of Vermandois from 1168 to 1183, and also Countess of Flanders by marriage to Philip I, Count of Flanders. She was the eldest daughter of Ralph I, Count of Vermandois and his second spouse, Petronilla of Aquitaine. -> XLIII

XLIII Eleanor of Vermandois (French: Éléonore or Aliéonor or Aénor de Vermandois, 1148 or 1149 – 19 or 21 June 1213) was reigning countess of Vermandois and Valois in 1182–1213 and by marriage countess of Ostervant, Nevers, Auxerre, Boulogne and Beaumont.

XLIV Marie of France (1145 – 11 March 1198) was a Capetian princess who became Countess of Champagne by her marriage to Henry I of Champagne. She served as regent of the County of Champagne three times: during Henry I's absence from 1179-1181; during the minority of their son Henry II from 1181–1187; and during Henry II's absence from 1190-1197. The daughter of Eleanor of Aquitaine and Louis VII of France, she was the sister of Alice of France and the half-sister of: William IX, Henry the Young King, Richard I, Geoffrey of Brittany, Matilda of England, Eleanor of England, Joan of England, John of England; Margaret of France, Alys of France, Agnes of France, Philip II of France; and the stepdaughter of Henry II of England, and Constance of Castile, and Adela of Champagne.

In 1153, Marie was betrothed to Henry of Champagne by her father Louis.[4] These betrothals were arranged based on the intervention of Bernard of Clairvaux, as reported in the contemporary chronicle of Radulfus Niger. After her betrothal, Marie was sent to live with the Viscountess Elizabeth of Mareuil-sy-Aÿ and then to the abbey of Avenay in Champagne for her Latin-based education. In 1159, Marie married Henry I, Count of Champagne. -> XLV, XLVI

XLV Marie of Champagne (c. 1174 – 29 August 1204[1]) was the first Latin Empress of Constantinople by marriage to Emperor Baldwin I. She acted as regent of Flanders during the absence of her spouse from 1202 until 1204. / On 6 January 1186, Marie and Baldwin were married at Valenciennes. -> XLVII, XLVIII

XLVI Scholastique of Champagne (also Scholastica;[1] 1172–1219) was the daughter of Marie of France and Count Henry I of Champagne.

XLVII Joan, often called Joan of Constantinople (c. 1199 – 5 December 1244), ruled as Countess of Flanders and Hainaut from 1205 (at the age of six[1]) until her death. She was the elder daughter of Baldwin IX, Count of Flanders and Hainaut, and Marie of Champagne.[2] / In 1211 Enguerrand III of Coucy offered the King the sum of 50,000 livres to marry Joan, while his brother Thomas would marry Margaret. However, the Flemish nobility was hostile to the project. Matilda of Portugal, widow of Joan's granduncle Philip I of Flanders, then offered her nephew, Ferdinand of Portugal, as Joan's husband for the same amount. The marriage was celebrated in Paris in January 1212.[3][4][5] Ferdinand thus became Joan's co-ruler.

XLVIII Margaret, often called Margaret of Constantinople (1202[1] – 10 February 1280), ruled as Countess of Flanders during 1244–1278 and Countess of Hainaut during 1244–1253 and 1257–1280. She was the younger daughter of Baldwin IX, Count of Flanders and Hainaut, and Marie of Champagne.[2] / In the presence of a significant number of bourgeois of Hainaut, she declared she did not want another husband than Bouchard, and before 23 July 1212 they were married.[4] Margaret was then twelve years old, while her new husband was twenty-eight. -> IL

IL Joan of Dampierre (c. 1225–1245/1246) was the eldest daughter of Margaret II, Countess of Flanders, and William II of Dampierre. / In 1239, her mother arranged her to be wed to count Hugh III of Rethel. Margaret stipulated that her dowry should be returned in case the count died without giving Joan a child. When this indeed happened, the money was refunded.

L Alix of France (July/August 1150 – 1197/1198) was countess consort of Blois by marriage to Theobald. She served as regent of Blois during Theobald's absence from in 1190–1191, and during the minority of their son Louis from 1191 until 1197. She was the daughter of Eleanor of Aquitaine and Louis VII of France. / In 1164, at age 14, Alix married Theobald, [2] who had previously attempted to abduct Alix's mother to force her into a marriage with him. Her sister Marie married Theobald's brother Henry I, Count of Champagne. -> LI, LVIII

LI Margaret of Blois (French: Marguerite; died 1230) was suo jure Countess of Blois in France from 1218 to 1230. From 1190 to 1200, she was the countess consort of the County of Burgundy and then regent for her daughters from 1200 until 1208.[1] -> LII, LIII, LVII

LII Joan I (1191–1205), also called Joanna of Hohenstaufen, was ruling Countess of Burgundy from 1200 to 1205. She was daughter of Otto I, Count of Burgundy, and Margaret, Countess of Blois. [Died at 14, unmarried]

LIII Beatrice II (1193 – 7 May 1231) reigned as Countess Palatine of Burgundy from 1205 until her death.[1][2] She was a member of the Swabian Hohenstaufen dynasty, the daughter of Count Otto I of Burgundy and Margaret, Countess of Blois,[3] thereby a granddaughter of Emperor Frederick Barbarossa. / In 1208 she married Duke Otto I, Duke of Merania. -> LIV, LV, LVI

LIV Agnes of Merania (c. 1215 – 7 January 1263) was a member of the House of Andechs and an Austrian royal consort.[1] By her two marriages, she was Duchess of Austria (AEIOU!) from 1230 until 1243 and Duchess of Carinthia from 1256 until her death. / In 1229 she married Frederick of Babenberg, son and heir of Duke Leopold VI of Austria. Her husband, who was known as "the Quarrelsome",[2] had just divorced his first wife Eudokia Laskarina ("Sophia"), a daughter of the Byzantine emperor Theodore I Laskaris, due to childlessness. He succeeded his father as Austrian duke in 1230. Based on the dowry of his wife including large Andechs estates in the March of Carniola and the Windic March, he also began to call himself a "Lord of Carniola" from 1232.

LV Beatrix of Merania (1210 – 9 February 1271) was a princess of Merania by birth, and the Countess of Weimar-Orlamünde by marriage. [She married, but at unknown date]

LVI Adelaide of Merania (Adélaïde or Alice, Alix – died 8 March 1279, Évian) was reigning Countess of Burgundy from 1248 until her death. She was also Countess of Savoy and Bresse through her marriage in 1267 to Count Philip I of Savoy. [Birthdate unknown to English wikipedians, but see this about her in French wiki] Naissance: 1218

LVII Mary, Countess of Blois, also known as Marie of Avesnes, (1200–1241) was countess of Blois from 1230 to 1241. She was the daughter of Walter of Avesnes and Margaret of Blois.[1] In 1226, Mary married Hugh I of Châtillon, a count from Châtillon-sur-Marne, son of Gaucher III of Châtillon and Elisabeth of Saint-Pol.

LVIII Isabelle of Blois or Elizabeth of Blois (died 1248 or 1249) was the lady of Amboise by marriage and from 1218 until her death the countess of Chartres in her own right. / Isabelle (Elizabeth) was born probably before 1180. / Isabelle was married twice. In 1190, she was married to Sulpice III of Amboise [fr]. -> LIX

LIX Matilda of Amboise (Mahaut, Mathilde d'Amboise; c. 1200 ‒ 12 May 1256) was the Countess of Chartres 1248-1256. She was the daughter of Sulpice III of Amboise and Isabella of Blois.

LX Matilda of England (June 1156 — June/July 1189) was an English princess of the House of Plantagenet[a] and by marriage Duchess consort of Saxony and Bavaria from 1168 until her husband's deposition in 1180.

LXI Matilda of Saxony, or Richenza of Saxony (1172-13 January 1209/10) was the Countess of Perche followed by the title of Lady of Coucy from the German Welf dynasty. She was also the niece of Richard the Lionheart. / Matilda married Geoffrey III, Count of Perche in 1189.

LXII Eleanor of England (Spanish: Leonor; c. 1161[1] – 31 October 1214[2][3]), was Queen of Castile and Toledo[4] as wife of Alfonso VIII of Castile.[5][6] She was the sixth child and second daughter of Henry II, King of England, and Eleanor of Aquitaine.[7][8] She served as Regent of Castile during the minority of her son Henry I for 26 days between the death of her spouse and her own death in 1214.[9] -> LXIII, LXVI, LXVIII, LXX

LXIII Berengaria (Castilian: Berenguela), nicknamed the Great (Castilian: la Grande) (1179 or 1180 – 8 November 1246), was Queen of Castile[1] for a brief time in 1217, and Queen of León from 1197 to 1204 as the second wife of King Alfonso IX. -> LXIV

[Berengaria's first engagement was agreed in 1187 when her hand was sought by Conrad, the fifth child of Holy Roman Emperor Frederick I Barbarossa.[10] The next year, the marriage contract was signed in Seligenstadt, including a dowry of 42000 Maravedí.[10] Conrad then marched to Castile, where in Carrión the engagement was celebrated and Conrad was knighted[11] making him a servant of his new lord, Alfonso. Berengaria's claim to the throne was based in part on documentation in the treaty and marriage contract,[12][13] which specified that she would inherit the kingdom after her father or any childless brothers who might come along.[12] Conrad would only be allowed to co-rule as her spouse, and Castile would not become part of the Empire.[10] Furthermore, he was not allowed to claim the throne for himself in case of Alfonso's death, but was obliged to defend and protect the kingdom until Berengaria arrived.[14] The treaty also documented traditional rights and obligations between the future sovereign and the nobility.[15]

The marriage was not consummated because Berengaria was less than 10 years old.[16] Conrad and Berengaria never saw each other again.[17] By 1191, Berengaria requested an annulment of the engagement from the pope, influenced, no doubt, by third parties such as her grandmother Duchess Eleanor of Aquitaine, who was not interested in having a Hohenstaufen as a neighbor to her French fiefdoms.[17] Those fears were neutralized when Conrad was assassinated in 1196.[17]]

Berengaria married King Alfonso IX of León, her first cousin once removed, in Valladolid in 1197.

LXIV Berengaria of León[a] (1204 – 12 April 1237) was the third wife but only empress consort of John of Brienne, Latin Emperor of Constantinople. She was a daughter of Alfonso IX of León and Berengaria of Castile.[1] She was a younger sister of Ferdinand III of Castile and Alfonso of Molina. -> LXV

LXV Marie of Brienne (c. 1224–1275) was Latin Empress as the wife of Baldwin II of Courtenay. She served as regent during the absence of Baldwin II twice: in 1237–1239, and in 1243–1257. / Their marriage took place in 1234. The bride was about ten years old, the groom seventeen. Their marriage was recorded in the chronicle of Alberic of Trois-Fontaines. By her marriage, Marie became the junior co-empress of the Latin Empire, the senior one being her mother.

LXVI Urraca of Castile (1186/28 May 1187 – 3 November 1220) was a daughter of Alfonso VIII of Castile[1] and Eleanor of England.[2] Her maternal grandparents were Henry II of England and Eleanor of Aquitaine. -> LXVII

LXVII Eleanor of Portugal (Portuguese: Leonor [liuˈnoɾ]; c. 1211 – 28 August 1231) was a Portuguese infanta, the only daughter of Afonso II of Portugal and Urraca of Castile, Queen of Portugal.[1] Eleanor was Queen of Denmark by marriage to Valdemar the Young, son of Valdemar II, in 1229.[2]

LXVIII Blanche of Castile (Spanish: Blanca de Castilla; 4 March 1188 – 27 November 1252) was Queen of France by marriage to Louis VIII. She acted as regent twice during the reign of her son, Louis IX: during his minority from 1226 until 1234, and during his absence from 1248 until 1252.

Blanche was twelve years of age, and Louis was only a year older, by the time the marriage treaty was finally signed. King John ceded the fiefs of Issoudun and Graçay as a dowry. The marriage was celebrated 23 May 1200, at Port-Mort on the right bank of the Seine, in John's domains, as those of Philip lay under an interdict.[5][6] Blanche bore her first child in 1205.[3] -> LXIX

LXIX Isabelle of France (March 1225 – 23 February 1270) was a French princess and daughter of Louis VIII of France and Blanche of Castile. She was a younger sister of King Louis IX of France (Saint Louis) and of Alfonso, Count of Poitiers, and an older sister of King Charles I of Sicily. In 1256, she founded the nunnery of Longchamp in part of the Forest of Rouvray (now called the Bois de Boulogne), west of Paris. Isabelle consecrated her virginity and her entire life to God alone. She is honored as a saint by the Franciscan Order. Her feast day is 22 February.

LXX Eleanor of Castile[1] (1200[2][3]—1244) was Queen of Aragon by her marriage to King James I of Aragon. / Eleanor was the daughter of Alfonso VIII of Castile and Eleanor of England. In 1221 at Ágreda, Eleanor married King James I of Aragon; she was nineteen and he was fourteen.

[Like here niece above, she died in a monastery.]

LXXI Joan of England (October 1165 – 4 September 1199) was by marriage Queen of Sicily and Countess of Toulouse. She was the seventh child of King Henry II of England and Duchess Eleanor of Aquitaine. From her birth, she was destined to make a political and royal marriage. She married William II of Sicily and later Raymond VI, Count of Toulouse, two very important and powerful figures in the political landscape of Medieval Europe.

... After a hazardous voyage, Joan arrived safely in Palermo, and on 13 February 1177, she married King William and was crowned Queen of Sicily at Palermo Cathedral.

Deaths at:
14 20 21 22 26 28 28 30 31 33 33 33 34 34 37 38 38
13 18 19 20 23 25 25 28 29 32 32 33 33 33 35 37 37
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
40 40 41 41 41 42 43 44 44 45 46 46 46 47 47 48 48 48 48 48 48
38 39 39 40 40 41 41 41 41 43 43 44 44 45 45 45 46 46 46 46 46
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38
48 48 51 53 53 53 55 56 57 57 57 60 60 61 61 61 62
47 47 48 50 51 52 52 53 54 55 55 56 59 59 60 60 61
39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55
64 65 65 66 67 68 71 71 72 75 76 78 81 81 84
62 62 63 64 65 66 66 69 69 71 73 77 78 79 81
56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70

Died after 59, 17 to 21 / 70, 24.286 to 30 %.

Middle two quartiles died 40 to 61 or 38 to 60.

Married at:
09 09 10 10 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 14
09 09 09 09 09 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
14 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 18 18 18
12 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38
18 18 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 21
16 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 18 19 19 19 19 19 19 19
39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 56
22 22 22 23 24 25 25 25 25 26 29
19 20 20 20 22 22 23 23 24 25 25
57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67

Married before 15 : 22 to 34 / 67, 32.836 to 50.746 %.

Middle two quartiles married, 14 to 20 or 12 to 19.

It was nearly eery, how added stat after added stat, the middle of deaths stats was 48 higher and 46 lower count, and the middle of marriages was 17 higher count and 14 lower count.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Xth LD after Pentecost