ויטנברג | Wittenberg |
וורמס | Worms |
וארטבורג | Wartburg |
PS, given what Luther became, it is perhaps hard to some to realise what he was. Thesis 71 among the 95. German (the original) says:
Wer gegen die Wahrheit des apostolischen Ablasses spricht, der sei verworfen und verflucht.
Who speaks against the truth of the Apostolic (= Papal) indulgence, may he be rejected and accursed.
I'm citing this from
Die 95 Thesen
Now, the people running the site are Lutherans and don't believe in Indulgences. They tend to idolise Luther for rejecting them, which at this point he did not yet do.
So, they mistranslate like this:
Let him who speaks against the truth concerning papal indulgences be anathema and accursed.
Now, "the truth concerning papal indulgences" wouldn't be "die Wahrheit des apost/päpstl. Ablasses" but "die Wahrheit über den apost./päpbstl. Ablass" ...
The site owners think he was on his own authority in 1517 anathematising those who disagreed with him about his "truth about" the indulgences. In fact he obediently, with a minimal but extant obedience, condemned the rejection of indulgences. When he came back to Wittenberg after Worms and Wartburg, that had changed, but in 1517 it was still so. He was not yet a Lutheran, he was still more like a Jansenist./HGL
PPS, hat tip to Voice of Reason who appeared with Ruslan on this video:
The Truth About Martin Luther that Protestants Never Knew @VoiceOfReason_
Ruslan KD | 19 Dec. 2024
PPPS, Voice of Reason is getting the history somewhat wrong, the 45 theses that the Catholic Church eventually accepted were not immediately put into practise until the Council of Trent (and he died the year after it started). He's also overdoing the abuse of indulgences going on. Money could replace certain acts, like going on a Crusade or carrying stones to the rebuilding of St. Peter (the indulgence this was about), but were absolutely not required to get an indulgence for saying Hail Mary or to get a plenary indulgence for saying the Rosary on All Saints' Day. Not even in Germany./HGL
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