Sunday, November 10, 2024

First Intermediate Period, During the Soujourn

The First Intermediate Period, described as a 'dark period' in ancient Egyptian history,[1] spanned approximately 125 years, c. 2181–2055 BC, after the end of the Old Kingdom.[2] It comprises the Seventh (although this is mostly considered spurious by Egyptologists), Eighth, Ninth, Tenth, and part of the Eleventh Dynasties. The concept of a "First Intermediate Period" was coined in 1926 by Egyptologists Georg Steindorff and Henri Frankfort.[3]

What was it like? An archaeology channel made a whole video on the topic, not limited to, but including, Egypt.

The First Bronze Age Collapse and the Intermediate Bronze Age
Dig. | 4 Nov. 2024

When was it really?*

"2181" was just after 1633:

1633 av. J.-Chr.
93,3283 pcm, donc daté à 2203 av. J.-Chr.

"2055" was some time before 1610:

1610 av. J.-Chr.
95,2011 pcm, donc daté à 2020 av. J.-Chr.

If instead of 125 years, it was less than 23 years, that kind of explains why there is so little monumental, let alone other evidence from the period.

If (as the video suggests), Egypt was in some kind of Civil War, this means that the unification was ultimately bad for the Israelites, this verse could describe the victory of a faction which had not favoured them over one which had, or a reaction when a victorious faction which had done so tries to mollify the opposition.

In the mean time there arose a new king over Egypt, that knew not Joseph
[Exodus 1:8]

For comparison, I use a Biblical chronology in which Moses is born in 1590 BC. So, twenty years after the end of the First Intermediate Period./HGL

* See: Mes plus récentes tables de carbone 14

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