Tuesday, July 30, 2024

What State Was Longest?

David to Captivity, for II Kings 1 (II Samuel 1), the Haydock Bible with the Ussher chronology says:

Year of the World 2949, Year before Christ 1055.

And for IV Kings 24:8 it is:

Year of the World 3405, Year before Christ 599.

For IV Kings 25:9 it is:

Year of the World 3416, Year before Christ 558

1055 - 558 = 497 years.
3416 - 2949 = 467 years.

For II Paralipomenon 36:22 I find:

Year of the World 3468, A.C. 536.

For Matthew 2:1 I find:

Year of the World 4000, being four years before the common account called Anno Domini.[A.D., in the year of the Lord]; Luke ii. 7.

This was close enough to the time when Herod the Great died and when Judaea lost sovereignty, went from status of Protectorate (or Auxiliarii) to that of Province.

4000 - 3468 = 532
536 - 4 = 532

Judaea became a Roman province in AD 6, the province of this name lasted to 132, but under other names, with other borders, Judaea was under Rome and Constantinople up to the Conquest by Omar, with a brief and sad (for Christians at least) interlude with the invasion of Khosrhoës II.

The Byzantine army was eventually defeated at the Battle of Fahl on 23 January 635.


635 - 6 = 629
634 - 6 = 628

The Roman era (unless we arbitrarily disconnect Byzantines) was actually longer than either the Davidic kingdom or the Returners from Cyrus.

Famously, there was a Crusader period after this:

1099 - 635 = 464 years.

Arab Muslim Period shorter than any of the three above.

1291 - 1099 = 192 years.

Kingdom of Jerusalem shorter than any of the three first.

The Mamluks?

1517 - 1250 = 267 years.


1922 - 1517 = 405 years.


1948 - 1922 = 26 years.

State of Israel?

2024 - 1948 = 76 years.

I would say the longest régime (after Abraham's times) was the Roman one, and the longest part of that, the régime was Christian.

Indigenous people were Christians in this time. Christian Palestinians descend to a high degree from them. And they from the Davidic Kingdom, which was fulfilled in AD 33, at Pentecost. The Catholic Church has an even longer presence here than the Roman Empire.

2024 - 33 = 1991 years.

She's sovereign, even if she has no armies. Through her the wars between Judah and Ephraim ceased, forever. Through her also God's word of peace went out to all nations. The prophecies were fulfilled.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Sts Abdon and Sennen

Romae sanctorum Martyrum Abdon et Sennen Persarum, qui, sub Decio, catenis alligati et Romam adducti, pro Christi fide prius plumbatis caesi sunt, deinde gladio interfecti.

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