Saturday, August 3, 2024

Nearly Ten Years Ago I Was Probably Wrong About Fatima

Rus' matters. · Nearly Ten Years Ago I Was Probably Wrong About Fatima · What Does Vladimir Mean?

Here is what I wrote:

I sometimes feel that if Portuguese does not make the difference between Rus' and Rossia, Our Lady at Fatima by consecration of "Russia" might have meant Rus' rather than Rossia. Of course, she might have meant both.

Why was this wrong?

Because Kievan Rus' was already consecrated to Our Lady in the Middle Ages.

Fatima is probably about allowing Rossia to catch up with Kievan Rus'.

Ukraine is already consecrated since close to a millennium ago. It's time for Muscovy to catch up. Will try to add source later./HGL

PS, requesting the consecration of Russia could if so also be a hint She does not count Muscovy as heir to Rus', but regards the Dnipr state as the heir thereof./HGL

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