Friday, July 7, 2023

Pools and five porticos of Bethesda

Dr. Bergsma, in a video for Pints with Aquinas, mentioned that this construction - not a pentagonal shape, but an extra fifth portico between the two pools - has been found, or rather its foundations have been found. It was, apart from the foundations, completely erased in the year 70 AD.

So, apart from St. John providing proof for having been around (or at worst reusing information from one having been around) before the year 70 in Jerusalem - what more do we see?

We see a man, conscious of an already bygone world, giving glimpses of it.

I think it is fairly clear it was the Gospeller, rather than the Baptist, who was patron saint to John Ronald Reuel Philip Tolkien. For Philip, it was San Filippo Neri, by the way, not not the one mentioned in Acts.

Faramir referring to Númenor is one of Tolkien's self portraits - which, as we have just seen, is so St. John the Gospeller./HGL

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