Thursday, November 5, 2020

Since it is 5th of November ...

... I see no reason why false flagging treason should ever be forgot.

In other words, I subscribe to Belloc's theory that Guy Fawkes and plotters were deliberately led on to just before they could actually act, and then arrested.

In their own persons, they were pretty desperate due to extreme barbarism applied to Catholics.

In the sequence of events after their arrest, innocent people were arrested and martyred for being Catholic. Some might find parallels to the Reichstagsbrand in ... checking wiki ... early 1933, if the article is in good order.

Here I give some space to Stephanie Mann:

Supremacy and Survival: The English Reformation: Bonfire Night and Occupy Wall Street

Supremacy and Survival: The English Reformation: The Fifth of November on the Son Rise Morning Show!

Supremacy and Survival: The English Reformation: Clearing His Name: Father John Gerard, SJ

Supremacy and Survival: The English Reformation: Gunpowder Plot Martyrs

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