Finally, said Pope Francis there is the group of Christians who " in their hearts do not believe in the Risen Lord and want to make theirs a more majestic resurrection than that of the real one . These, he said are the “triumphalist” Christians.
" They do not know the meaning of the word ' triumph ' the Pope continued, so they just say “triumphalism”, because they have such an inferiority complex and want to do this ...
When we look at these Christians , with their many triumphalist attitudes , in their lives, in their speeches and in their pastoral theology, liturgy , so many things , it is because they do not believe deep down in the Risen One . He is the Winner, the Risen One. He won.
OK, a real and genuine triumph would provoke what? Non-triumphalist attitudes? Few triumphalist attitudes, but very emphatic ones? Or even few and very discreet triumphalist attitudes?
Have a look at Franco's triumph in 1939. Not his attitude, but those of the ones believing (for the following years it would seem rightly) that Franco had won:
Source British Pathé, Deutsche Monatsschau, Franco's Forces enter Madrid (pics 130, 133, 137) (click on pictures to view larger, if needed).
[update : I belatedly noticed a copyright notice on pictures as given and have sent British Pathe a request.] |
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130, at 2:10 - Triumphalist salutes, not very discreet. |
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133 - a wall print from chablon, with triumphalist celebrating the face of the winner. |
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137 - soldiers of Franco entering on cars, with triumphalist gesture only matted by physical fatigue, it would seem. |
And if you see pictures of his own attitude - chosen somewhat otherwise, with presentation by La Pasionaria ...
Francisco Franco triumphantly enters Madrid. Dolores Ibárruri ("La Pasionaria") ...HD Stock Footage
I had heard video sound off and misunderstood the title. La pasionaria was fortunately not presenting it, she was on stage the last scene. Too bad most of the English presenter's voice is not heard. |
... she seems [see above on misunderstanding] of course to have focussed on those losing a position, considering them identic to proletarian class, but that position being one of revolution and not a little of collaboration with the bullies of Paracuellos or Cárcel Modelo (who remind of what has been described as per death camps under Nazis, not only to ordinary privation stories as those of Jo Wajsblat or Maurice Kling), but she does also show, for instance 0:56, Franco in a triumphalist gesture.
A bit too severe to shadow completely the triumph of Christ over death, Franco was a bit more severe** - but perhaps Christ will be severe too when coming to judge people like the False Prophet or Antichrist and their fellows. But certainly triumphalist. And the one and the other are not perfectly same thing, so triumphalism is not out of place with Christ risen either.
If Bergoglio prefers, take the triumph of Che Guevara. Or of ... I was nearly going to give a triumphalist picture of Patton, but he overdid it. He urinated in the Rhine river in full sight and a photograph was taken just before - as a ceremony of humiliation on Germany. Bergoglio might agree this is overdoing triumphalism a bit too much.***
But saying these guys did not in the ordinary sense believe in their victory, well, that is a bit far fetched.
It reminds me of a superstition called "psychology". Reading your neighbour's mind, pretending that is not your sixth sense, but only normal expertise and experience, and yet coming up with backward results like this, which defy the NORMAL rules of limited empathetic mindreading knowing its limits.
I answer that, As stated above (Article 1; Q92,94), superstition denotes undue divine worship. Now a thing pertains to the worship of God in two ways: in one way, it is something offered to God; as a sacrifice, an oblation, or something of the kind: in another way, it is something divine that is assumed, as stated above with regard to an oath (II-II:89:4 ad 2). Wherefore superstition includes not only idolatrous sacrifices offered to demons, but also recourse to the help of the demons for the purpose of doing or knowing something. But all divination results from the demons' operation, either because the demons are expressly invoked that the future may be made known, or because the demons thrust themselves into futile searchings of the future, in order to entangle men's minds with vain conceits. Of this kind of vanity it is written (Psalm 39:5): "Who hath not regard to vanities and lying follies." Now it is vain to seek knowledge of the future, when one tries to get it from a source whence it cannot be foreknown. Therefore it is manifest that divination is a species of superstition.
II-II Question 95. Superstition in divinations, Article 2 Is it a species of superstition? Corpus of article. And a little earlier:
Accordingly the species of superstition are differentiated, first on the part of the mode, secondly on the part of the object. For the divine worship may be given either to whom it ought to be given, namely, to the true God, but "in an undue mode," and this is the first species of superstition; or to whom it ought not to be given, namely, to any creature whatsoever, and this is another genus of superstition, divided into many species in respect of the various ends of divine worship. For the end of divine worship is in the first place to give reverence to God, and in this respect the first species of this genus is "idolatry," which unduly gives divine honor to a creature. The second end of religion is that man may be taught by God Whom he worships; and to this must be referred "divinatory" superstition, which consults the demons through compacts made with them, whether tacit or explicit. Thirdly, the end of divine worship is a certain direction of human acts according to the precepts of God the object of that worship: and to this must be referred the superstition of certain "observances."
Question 92. Superstition Article 2. Whether there are various species of superstition? Mid portion of corpus of article.
Now, the interior of your neighbour is sth which you can know naturally - by knowing men or by hearing them confess it - or by prophecy, taught by God, as Padre Pio was.
This kind of general qualification about people who are triumphalist, namely that they do not really believe Christ has risen, at the best, Bergoglio could be speaking of a triumphalism which really doesn't believe that Christ has won because they worship power, but that will not account for all triumphalism, and so he overgeneralises, at worst (and it will be taken badly, as a general principle, about triumphalism in general) he is enouncing a principle of understanding your fellow men which is a superstitious one.
To refute this, it is not necessary for you to agree with me that Franco's triumph was a good one. You might even take a look at Patton's if you prefer, all I ask is that you agree it was in the normal sense of the word a triumph. And that people in that hour, whether bitterly as some shown by La Pasionaria, or hopefully, as I hope it was the case with more, believed he had won. Therefore, if those believing that and finding (earthly) hope in that exhibited triumphalism, it is false to say that those who believe in a triumph are not triumphalist about it.
That kind of superstition, that kind of reverse psychology in understanding your neigbour, can have been taken over by Bergoglio from some left wing Anglicans.
Hans Georg Lundahl
Nanterre UL
Deidication of Basilicas
of Sts Peter and Paul in Rome
* Vatican Radio : Pope: No to triumphalism in the Church, proclaim Jesus without fear and embarrassment
H/T Rorate Caeli
** Somewhat too severe at times, but that was a fault some other qualities outweigh with me.
*** Theologians may debate whether he expressed distaste in advance for the Rhine league of bishops at Vatican II, or whether that thing was coming from his bad influence. The former would kind of make him a good guy anyway. Note, I am NOT the least triumphalist about either Patton's gesture at the Rhine or Vatican II with its outcome. So, if you take this as an example of a triumphalist not believing in victory, you are wrong. There I know I have part in defeat, since in the former case, Germany was too much beaten along the National Socialist régime. I am against that régime on quite a few issues, but not against Germany as such. I grew up there in part of my childhood.
Citando Sandro Magister
"Jorge Mario Bergoglio è nato a Buenos Aires il 17 dicembre 1936."
[17 de diciembre: Guerra Civil Española: llegada de los primeros voluntarios fascistas italianos a España.
https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/1936#Diciembre ]
"Ha studiato da chimico, prima di farsi gesuita. È divenuto prete a 33 anni. Ha fatto studi di filosofia, letteratura, psicologia e teologia in diverse università dell´Argentina, del Cile, della Spagna e della Germania."
Di psicologia? Questo è la falta! Questo è il errore!
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