Tuesday, September 24, 2024

822, Year and Gematria

Between C. S. Lewis, Sinclair Lewis, Lewis Carroll, Lewis Trondheim, who would be most likely to be called Lewis the Pious?

You might agree it is C. S. Lewis.

Now 822 is a year when an Emperor called Lewis the Pious did a pious thing, namely confess to and repent of an excessive punishment, amounting to a crime.*

Perhaps his confession contributed to making the idea of gouging out eyes less popular in France than it remained for some time in Constantinople.

C 67  6 * 32 = 192
. 4610013
32   580 + 50 = 630
S 8318016
. 4622022
32   630 + 192 = 822
L 7629028

Here are the events of 822 AD:



* The crime itself was not committed that year!

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