Friday, December 11, 2009

Astrology may well be astrolatry, BUT not because of geocentrism "of Babylonians" or of extra month in Pagan Greek calendar.

1) Astrology may well be astrolatry, BUT not because of geocentrism "of Babylonians" or of extra month in Pagan Greek calendar. ; 2) No, I am not a believer in Astrology

Link to Orthodox article "Astrology is Astrolatry"


I fully accept St Augustine of Hippo (unnamed in article, but it is from Confessiones, where he argues against his former Manichean loyalties) on Jakob and Esau. Or St Gregory on Aquarians but no fishermen in desert, or the other one or either of above on slaves born in same hour as princes.

I can add regretting having obeyed advice about getting communication trouble by retrograde motion of Mercury. Since it is close to sun it often goes retrograde, and if the thing were true, anyone taking an initiative to a talk or a new friendship during those periods would loose on it.


Trying to make astrology look ridiculous by making first astrologers look odd as being geocentrics is quite another matter. St Augustine, St Basil the Great (Hexaëmeron), St Ambrose (De Officiis, speaking of military value and of Joshua as example), indeed all Church Fathers of first millennium, not forgetting in second millennium St Thomas Aquinas and St Robert Bellarmine, with Pope Urban VIII were geocentrics too. The first heliocentrics were astrologers. Kepler made the horoscope of Wallenstein.

Copernicus, not Aquinas, was the one major Western scholar who first set out to look for in Ancient philosophy what he could not find supporting his own opinion in Bible or Church Fathers. Unless Marsilius of Padua was earlier, but he wrote about politics. Aquinas, for his part, systematically got his moral support from Church Fathers or from Roman Canonists. As well as St Louis IX of France. In Aristotle he sought only arguments for what he believed as a Christian anyway.

But such is not the history of heliocentrism. Copernic found in Aristarch, a Pythagorean (and hence probably a superstitious astrologer) what Sts Basil and Ambrose refused him.


An extra month was given in Grece about once in two years to make a year never equal to 365 days nevertheless approximating around it over the years (actually a bit less than that in a 19 year cycle still used both by Rome and by Constantinople to calculate Easter, though with different dates for Spring Equinox), but, that being so, astrologers back then obviously did not give a set date equal year from year about what date of what month the Pisces began, as we now say it begins 22 february, but the dates about this or that sign in relation to Hecatombeon or whateverwere recalculated year after year by observation and past observations.


Ruling your life by a horoscope is a sin. As in taking long term decisions or as in deciding what to belive, or as in deciding whom to marry or whether to marry or go to monastery. But using Lunar calendars for gardening or astrology for weather forecasts (the seasonal success of which, recorded in Erga kai Hemerai by Hesiod, made the reputation of astrology) or forecasts on female fertility (as was done in Spanish court, where some Queens only "met" the King those nights when procreation was probable) is not necessarily so. At least, such is the opinion of St Thomas Aquinas, which was told me by a Russian Orthodox communicating with the Jesuits where he was, and I later checked it in the Summa (II-II), Q "sins against faith", A "superstition". Later, however, Pius XII condemned it.


Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Lundahl, pas Lindhal, s v p!

1 En suédois, finir un nom de famille sur dhal, comme Stendhal en France, est une chose qui ne se fait pas. Surtout pas si avant il y a un élément qui finit en d. Le mot "hal" est l'adjectif pour les anguilles et les surface glacées, donc "glissant". Alors, on évite de mettre un h avant al dans les noms. Le mien n'est pas une exception.*

2 Lundahl et Lindahl sont deux noms différents qui se prononcent différemment: Lœunedâle et Linedâle. Le digraphe ah, emprunté à l'allemand, correspond dans quelques noms de famille à â. Même en français je préfère différencier entre brun et brin, quoique ça ne se fait pas toujours, ni partout.

3 Lundahl, Lundal=Lund-dal et Lindahl, Lindal=Lind-dal. "Vallée du bosquet" (votre serviteur) et "vallée de tilleul". Quand j'étais très jeune j'ignorais que "lund-dal" devenait tout légitimement "Lundahl" en nom. Car le nom est apperçu comme un mot unitaire et non comme un mot composé. Et, surtout dans l'orthographe ancienne, d'avant 1906, les consonnes doubles se simplifient quand elles côtoient une autre consonne. Les nom en génitif plus son, avec un double s après souvent consonne, sont plutôt rustiques ( à l'origine des patronymes, les paysans étant les derniers de chez nous d'adopter la coutûme noble d'avoir noms de famille héréditaires).

4 Je préfère quand les autorités d'une place respectent les coutûmes onomastiques d'un peuple étranger. Comme la coutûme espagnole d'avoir obligatoirement un double nom de famille, à moins d'être né sous X, comme la coutûme suédoise d'avoir parfois plus d'un seul prénom, comme la coutûme icelandaise et arabe et avant ça athénienne et hébreue d'avoir un nom de personne et un patronyme qui donne le nom de personne du père, de ne pas avoir des noms de famille héritables en plusieurs générations comme dans la plupart de l'Occident. Socrate fils de Sophronisque de ... tel ou tel thète (quand en Athènes) or ... Athènes (quand dehors). Et que des gens qui ont souvent affaire avec d'étrangers sachent prononcer le h en suédois, allemand, anglais, polonais, arabe, hébreu et j'en passe. Quoique le h après voyelle est muet et marque juste sa longueur chez nous. Statten Island et noms de famille suédois coupés des accents, comme Swanson pour Swänson, Angstrom pour Ångström (et évidemment smorgasbord pour smörgåsbord) ne sont pas des exemples à suivre.


*dhal en Stendhal devrait être d'un dialecte bas-allemand ou il y a également un mot dal/daal pour vallée (si ce n'est pas =Thal, haut-allemand, un dialecte qui différencie pas d et t et qui par conséquent permet de les interchanger en orthographe - vérifiez ses origines, s v p), mais non pas le mot hal. Sten/steen se dit en suédois et diverses dialectes du bas-allemand, Stein/steinn s'écrit en haut-allemand et en icelandais (prononcés très diversement), et j'en passe.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

"this honorable foundation"???

< >

Till: okända-mottagare:
=to undisclosed recipients

Dear Selected personality.

We the harry potter foundation wishes to anounce to you that,sequel toyour email profile,you have been selected in your state by this honorable foundation to disburse a reasonable amount of (£1,000.000.00) (one MillionGBP) to the less privellege.

Is HARRY POTTER FOUNDATION SUPPOSED TO BE HONOURABLE? (Quite apart from the obvious that this is a scam.)

"If God spoke a language" - to correct Grimm

Series straddling three blogs: 
Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere : ...on linguistic evolution
...on Tower of Babel or language evolution
Φιλολoγικά/Philologica : Milk and Gollum, and Nostratic M-L-Q
Is Boromir a mimsy borogove?
"If God spoke a language" - to correct Grimm
On the "Reformed Egyptian" of the "Nephites"
side issue on previous, Theology: A Gerald Smith on the theme of "Great Apostasy" and "Restored Gospel" - answered
Is Romanides accurate?
Was Romanides accurate? Bis! Not very much at all!
Linguistics for Romanides: Greek, Latin, Patois
Coniectura linguistica, pro casu unitatis vetustissimae indo-europaeae linguae.
Creation vs. Evolution : 32 language families for 72 nations ...
To this essay: 

Noam Chomsky Between the Human and Natural Sciences

Frits Staal
University of California at Berkeley :

Scroll down to 3 about Noam Chomsky and the so called exact sciences, § 2:

A century and a half ago, a debate was raging about the question whether God spoke Hebrew. Jacob Grimm, one of the brothers to whom we owe the collection of fairy tales, pointed out gently that if God spoke language, any language, we must assume that he had teeth, but since teeth were not created for speech but for eating, we must assume that he also ate, and this leads to so many other undesirable assumptions that we better abandon the idea altogether (1851, reprint 1958:28).

You forget, dear Grimm: dental sounds may have existed in God's idea before there were teeth. Light existed before the sun, the moon and the stars above earth. But God did indeed eventually grow teeth, as well as start eating, so we must assume there was laundry going on in Bethlehem, and cooking in Egypt and Nazareth.

A Spanish scholar assuming that God spoke indeed Hebrew concluded that the first name of The Word - he who became flesh in the pure virgins blessed womb - was dabar, a word meaning word and which begins with a dental.

St Anna Katharina Emmerich had another idea given in her visions, Hebrew was one language God created for Heber who did not partake in the building of Babel. §§ 3, 4:

Upon Heber who, as we have said, took no part in the work, God cast His eyes; and amid the general disorder and corruption, He set him and his posterity apart as a holy nation. God gave him also a new and holy language possessed by no other nation, that thereby his race should be cut off from communication with all others.

This language was the pure Hebrew, or Chaldaic. The first tongue, the mother tongue, spoken by Adam, Shem, and Noah, was different, and it is now extant only in isolated dialects. Its first pure offshoots are the Zend, the sacred tongue of India, and the language of the Bactrians. In those languages, words may be found exactly similar to the Low German of my native place.

Thank Wikipedia for bringing these quotes to my atention, the article concluding that Anna Katharina Emmerich had identified the first language with Proto-Indo-European. Maybe - if so the punishment of Babel was for Indo-Europeans a miraculous speed up in langage change and language split. Or maybe not. Tolkien explores the idea of an elfin elven language which is (in this theory) source of Non-Indo-European words of some, usually Indo-European, languages of Northern Europe, leading back Lithuanian "ranka" (=Greek χειρ) and Icelandic "alft" (=swan) back to Quenya words ranca and alqua. The question whether the words alluded to are Indo-European roots or not cannot be decided unless some other document describes which particular words she meant.

Hans-Georg Lundahl,
15 octobre 2009,
ste Theresa d'Avila,
à Emmaüs (Paris I)
et à G. Pompidou (Paris IV)

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Non, Noël ne "coincide pas plus ou moins" avec les Saturnalies! (et Toussaints n'est pas Samhain, voir commentaires)

Historia, sept-oct 2008, p. 67

À propos de Saturne:

... et son culte comporte une délicieuse fête qui commence le 17 décembre et dure six à sept jours (solstice d'hiver).

À propos de Jésus:

... la célébration de sa naissance en vint à coïncider plus ou moins avec la fête romaine traditionnelle du solstice d'hiver.

Quelle sornette complette!

Les Saturnalies finissaient le 22 ou 23 décembre, tandis que Noël commençait et commence le soir avant le 25. Et il était précédé (comme toujours chez les Orthodoxes et les Uniates) par une jeûne très stricte, et comme d'habitude dans les carêmes, c'était la dernière semaine la plus stricte de la période de jeûne. Loin de coïncider avec les Saturnalies, Noël était préparés par une jeûne qui en excluait la célébration.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Paris IV, BpI G. Pompidou
28 août/10 sept A. D. 2009

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Accusative and Dative for English speakers ...

found on a website featuring a lol-picture from :

"sometimes when I am sad I like to cut myself ...

... another slice of cheesecake"

The bad sense of the sentence is when you take "myself" for an accusative. When you add some other noun ("slice of cheesecake"), that becomes the accusative and "myself" becomes the dative and it is all all right.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Est-ce Mille et Une Nuits? Hauff? Karl May? Non ...

... c'est Saint Eustache, sa biographie officielle. Néanmoins ça n'est pas sans rappeler mainte aventure des Alif Laila Wa Laila ou de Karl May ou de Hauff.

When Tolkien wrote "On fairie-stories" he said that any fairy tale is like a serving of soup from a very big kettle that has been boiling for very long, and the original ingredients ultimately come from --- reality. Like the life of St Eustace.

Is Boromir a mimsy borogove?

Series straddling three blogs: 
Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere : ...on linguistic evolution
...on Tower of Babel or language evolution
Φιλολoγικά/Philologica : Milk and Gollum, and Nostratic M-L-Q
Is Boromir a mimsy borogove?
"If God spoke a language" - to correct Grimm
On the "Reformed Egyptian" of the "Nephites"
side issue on previous, Theology: A Gerald Smith on the theme of "Great Apostasy" and "Restored Gospel" - answered
Is Romanides accurate?
Was Romanides accurate? Bis! Not very much at all!
Linguistics for Romanides: Greek, Latin, Patois
Coniectura linguistica, pro casu unitatis vetustissimae indo-europaeae linguae.
Creation vs. Evolution : 32 language families for 72 nations ...
To this essay: 

"borogove mimsy"="borogóv mimzi"
"borogov mimzi" (delete second of two nasals)
"borogov mimzi" (delete second of two voiced stops)
"borogov mimzi" (delete second/last of two/three identical vowels)
OR, if you insist on vowel length (borogove=borogóv):
"borogóv mimzi" (delete second of two exactly identical vowels)

which leaves us with:

borogov mimzi
borogóv mimzi

= boro miz or boró miz
z > r (rhotacism)

BUT. "Mimsy Borogoves" are nonsense words. "Boromir" has been given a meaning: 'faithful jewel' (source Tolkienwiki > search > Boromir).

If Lewis Carroll indulged in non-sense syllables, Tolkien indulged even more (since his elven glossary entries, even in just one of the major languages, probably by far outnumber the crypto-English glossary that could be made from The Hunting of the Snark*) in giving sense to his syllables.

Let us presume, I did not look up the meanings of the roots, it is boro that means faithful and mir that means jewel. I would not let mimsy mean faithful, and I hesitate to call things generally as small as jewels borogoves. So if this is where Tolkien came up with Boromir, he let adjective become noun and noun adjective. But the point is: there is something about "mimsy" which is repugnant to making it mean "faithful", there is nothing repugnant in making "mir" mean "jewel", there is something repugnant in making "borogove" mean "jewel", except a very big and costly such (thrones, crowns, scepters, Arkenstone - possibly, rings - no), there is nothing repugnant in making "boro" mean "faithful". Which is a point against the total arbitrariness of the relation of sound and meaning.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Paris IV - G. Pompidou
8/21 august A. D. 2009

*oops, that may be Jabberwocky I was thinking about!

OTHER UPDATE: the deletion rules above are what might have been contributing consciously or unconsciously to the invention of either name Boromir or elements it was made of in Tolkien's life, and are of course no more soundlaws for Quenya or Sindarin than cow > woc, how > hoc are internal soundlaws of Nevbosh.

Friday, August 7, 2009

When was Beowulf written?

We do not know.

My very personal* hunch: since it stresses the heroism of the Geats, as well as their religious ignorance - "they knew not their Maker" in modern translation, and neither did they expect resurrection but burned Beowulf on a pyre like Hektor at the end of the Iliad - it was maybe written to inspire missionaries to go from England to ... nowadays it is The Hising island, Gothenburg, and so on.

Like Pope Gregory who had a dialogue about some slaves he then bought free:

- Qui sunt?
- Angli.
- Non Angli sed Angeli. Cuius regni sunt?
- Deira.
- De ira Dei ad gratiam Christi vocati sunt. Quid est nomen regi eorum?
- Ælla.
- Alleluia ibi cantabitur.

Now it was the turn of the English to have that charity for Westrogothia and Ostrogothia in what now is called Sweden.

*J R R Tolkien may have agreed. I am not sure I am not repeating some halfforgotten thing.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Austrian flag means: "Thou shalt not pass"

The Austrian flag (of usual flag proportions) is red-white-red in three equally broad horizontal strips.

Anywhere on rivers in Europe, you may find it (or a sign whose proportions are not very different) on the vaults or beside the arms or confluences where passing through is forbidden. Either because it is not deep enough (in which case an exception, like for canoes, may be marked as such) or because it is reserved for boats going the other way.

In Austrian history too, the flag means in a very different and much more warlike way: "thou shalt not pass". St Leopold died in a battle but won it, against the then still pagan Magyars who tried to invade the Duchy Austria.* The flag is a diagram of his shirt: bloody above and below the belt, still white where the belt had prevented the blood from soaking the shirt.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Georges Pompidou, Paris
St Anne, 26 July 2009

*This is what I heard as a child. Wikipedia gives another legend, about another Leopold. Also, according to Wikipedia, St Leopold is not the Babenberg who defended Austria against Hungarians, indeed he lived well about a Century after St Istvan/Stephen of Hungary. On this link you will find more than one early Babenberg killed in battle.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

"Claude Gérard", författare-pseudonym

eg. Aurora-Lovisa LJUNGSTEDT, född HJORT.

Karlskrona 2 sept. 1821 - ??? (dödsår förmodligast efter artikelns författande)

1846 g. m. fängelsedirecteur.

La Grande Encyclopédie ger titlarne på franska: Flâneries et Rêveries (1857), Histoires d'un chasseur (1861), Énigmes psychologiques (1869), l'Album de l'oncle Benjamin (1870), Types modernes (1872), la Vie de tous les jours (1877), et c.

Artikeln författades af Th. C., förmodligen Théofile Cart.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

"repli identitaire"
"tenèbres du laïcisme"
"l'aurore d'une nouvelle ère"
"vote responsable"
"maître de civilisation"
"cela rendrait d'autant plus difficile notre mission d'évangélisation auprès des jeunes"
Les phrases proviennent de deux publications catholiques, que je respecte autrement.

Ce ne sont pas les grands mots qui nous parlent de l'audelà, se sont des très gros mots qui nous parlent d'ici-bas. Si St Benoît était vraiment un maître de civilisation, il avait aussi horreur de telle phrase et il savait très bien que la dernière aurore d'une nouvelle ère pas seulement jusqu'à lui-même, mais jusqu'à nous et jusqu'à la fin du monde était l'aurore des myrrhophores. Et s'il évangelisait des jeunes, tel St Placide, tel St Maure, ce n'était pas en mettant en garde contre "replis identitaires" mais contre la propre volonté ou "le vice des possessions privées", notons: il dit vice, pas injustice, il dit faiblesse subi par le possesseur, pas tort subi par le non-possesseur. S'il faisait là-dedans un vote responsable qui évitait les tenèbres du laïcisme, c'est qu'il était d'abord responsable pour faire comprendre ses vœux jusqu'à par le plus obtus et d'éviter les tenèbres des grandes ou grosses phrases.

Dis-donc! J'ai commis une bavardise! Finissons par quelques phrases d'un non-bavard:

"désirer le ciel"
"craindre l'enfer"
"mépriser le monde"

Saturday, May 16, 2009

"photograpsit" an "photegrapse"?

lectoribus quaeso conjugationem verbi graecae originis "photographo"

per commenta respondite, si placet!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Marriage sole carreer?

La Jeune fille à marier says in those days a marriage was a woman's sole carreer choice. Maybe in Protestant countries. Certainly in Muslim and Jewish societies. But among Catholics and Orthodox, she could also be a nun.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Der Gau oder das Auenland?

The Shire = pagus/comitatus = Der Gau.

Vgl. Niederländische Wikipädie:

Gouw (Germaans):
Een gouw (Latijn: pagus, Duits: Gau, Engels: shire, Fries: goa, Gronings: go) is een territoriaal en institutioneel onderdeel van een Gallo-Romeins, Germaans of Slavisch stamgebied. + Artikel

Zu Nationalsozialistisch?

Siehe Liste Mittelalterlicher Gaue, auf der Wikipädie. (Reservelink)

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Dimanche n'est pas un nom personnel français ...

... avec une exception, à laquelle je reviendrais. Noël est Pâcques sont représentés par Noël et Natalie et par Pascal(e). Mais Dimanche, le jour hebdomadal du repos? Il ne semble pas que les français soient tellement fiers de se reposer pour honorer Dieux et la Résurrection ...

Autrement les Juifs. Les noms de famille Chabat (comédien Alain Chabat) et Sabatier témoignenet que les juifs (et quelquesuns de leurs descendants chrétiens) sont fiers du jour hebdomadal du Seigneur comme désigné par le Vieux Testament.

Mais également les espagnols. Reprenons les noms des jours en Latin et en Espagnol:

Lunae Dies Lunes Lundi
Martis Dies Martes Mardi
Mercurii Dies Miercoles Mercredi
Jovis Dies Jueves Jeudi
Veneris Dies Viernes Vendredi
Sabbati Dies Sábado Samedi
Dominica Dies Domingo Dimanche

Oui, en Espagnol le nom de Dimanche, Domingo, est également un prénom. Porté par aux moins quatre saints: Domenico Loricato, Domingo de Silos, Domingo de la Calzada et - biensur - Domingo Guzmán. Et quoique le jour Dimanche soit en latin une phrase au feminin, Dominica Dies, le nom devient Dominicus. D'ou Dominique en français. Dominique veut donc dire Dimanche.

En Grec, Vendredi s'appelle Parascheve ou Paraschivi d'après le jour de préparation/Vendredi Saint. Ste Paraschève, appelée Petka était une moniale de Palestine.

Les Montiliens sont d'?

Le Petit Robert des noms propres donne Montiliens pas seulement pour Montélimar, Drôme, mais également pour Monteux, Vaucluse.

Selon l'étymologie latine un montilianus est quelqu'un qui vient du Montilium. Où ça? J'ai trouvé une petite liste, je ne sais pas si elle est complête ou pas.

Bon de Coston, Histoire de Montélimar, 1878, Montélimar, volume I (sur I - IV), page 84 nous renseigne:

On voit pour la première fois le nom d'Adhémar uni à celui de Monteil [=Montilium, le vieux nom de Montélimar], dans le document précité de 1178 sous la forme Montilium Adhemari ... Dans les XVe et XVIe siècles, on écrivit Montelheymar et Monteilaymar ...

D'après Aymar du Rivail, qui écrivit vers 1535, l'adition du nom d'Adhémar servait à distinguer Montélimar d'avec Montélier (Montilium) et plusieurs autres localités portant ce nom. Ce sont notemment Montéléger, Montilium Lagerii en 1157 et en 1238; Monteux près de Carpentras, Montilium en 1030 ...; Beaumont-Monteux, près de Valence, Montilius en 843; Le Monteil, près du Puy, qui parait être le Montilium et la Villa de Montiliis mentionnés en deux actes antérieurs au XIIe siècle, et enfin le Fisc de Monteil, près de Narbonne, Montilium Fiscum, dont il est question dans une donation de 899.

Le mot "enfin" était peut-être mal choisi. Au Gard il y a un Monteillet aussi.