Saturday, January 12, 2013

Coniectura linguistica, pro casu unitatis vetustissimae indo-europaeae linguae.

Series straddling three blogs: 
Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere : ...on linguistic evolution
...on Tower of Babel or language evolution
Φιλολoγικά/Philologica : Milk and Gollum, and Nostratic M-L-Q
Is Boromir a mimsy borogove?
"If God spoke a language" - to correct Grimm
On the "Reformed Egyptian" of the "Nephites"
side issue on previous, Theology: A Gerald Smith on the theme of "Great Apostasy" and "Restored Gospel" - answered
Is Romanides accurate?
Was Romanides accurate? Bis! Not very much at all!
Linguistics for Romanides: Greek, Latin, Patois
Coniectura linguistica, pro casu unitatis vetustissimae indo-europaeae linguae.
Creation vs. Evolution : 32 language families for 72 nations ...
To this essay: 

"We are still unsure of the reason for the occurrence of the Indo-Germanic shift from media to tenuis, even though it still has features of a voiced closed phoneme, at any rate, which partially (at the beginning of a word, after nasals, etc.) replaced the Indo-Germanic aspirated mediae (bh, dh, gh)." (My translation).

fons, in notula 6ta

1) bh dh gh ghw
2) p t k qu
3) b d g gw

1) β ð γ γw
2) φ þ χ χw
3) b/p d/t g/k gw/qu

2 > 1 sec. legem Werner
b/p > b/ p etc. ad maiorem contrastem

1) β ð γ γw
2) φ þ χ χw
3) p t k qu

1a > 1b post nasalem, in reduplicatione, in initio verborum et phrasium

1a) β ð γ γw
1b) b d g gw
2) φ þ χ χw
3) p t k qu

Hoc autem videtur discrepare a facto quod et celtice et baltice et slavonice bh > b et interdum v, dh > d et interdum ð, gh > g et interdum γ / sive gh > zh et interdum z, ghw > gw et interdum w ... / sive ghw > g et interdum γ

1 bh dh gh ghw
2 p t k qu
3 b d g gw

1 > 3

1 bh dh dzhh gh
2 p t ch k
3 b d dzh g

1 > 3

Nisi diceretur quod et hic ... sic:

1 bh dh gh ghw
2 p t k qu
3 b d g gw

1 β ð γ γw
2 p t k qu
3 b d g b

1 > 3 et 3 > 1 secundum positiones, hibernice

1 bh dh dzhh gh
2 p t ch k
3 b d dzh g

1 v ð zh γ
2 p t sh k
3 b d zh g

1 > 3 et 3 > 1 secundum positiones, baltice et slavonice

Adhuc potest a positione communi longius iri:

1 v ð γ γw
2 p t k qu
3 b d g gw

Latine 1 interdum > 3,
interdum f, f, h, f

Vedice et Sanscritice 1 > bh, dh, jh, gh (propter pronuntiationem alienigenam)

Graece 1 > bh, dh, gh, ghw (ut vedice et sanscritice)
deinde aut > ph, th, kh khw
aut > p t k kw

Sed ponitur tunc quaestio de γ quod est laryngalis tertius theoriae laryngalium. Nec tamen scio quomodo testimonium linguae armenicae stat comprobando vel infirmando haec.

Ioannes Georgius Lundahl
Bibliothecâ Pompidolianâ
In die Sanctae Tatianae
Virginis, sub Antonino
et Martyris
die duodecima januarii A. D. mmxiij.

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