Tuesday, March 25, 2025

More Like the Same?

Black Magic in Shimao and Ur · More Like the Same?

First, an explanation of how I did the crosses ... the lines of the cross meet in the axis of Earth. The points are on the same parallel (or latitude). I get them by addition and subtraction of 90° to the E~W coordinate (or longitude).

I happen to have answered the question in the comment to previous, but here I go again:

Start with Shimao, 38.5657°N 110.3252°E.

The other points of the cross are also all 38.5657°N, so exact same parallel circle.

However, the next point, offshore near Greece, still in the water, had 110.3252°E - 90° = 20.3252 E.

Then 90-20.3252 E = 69.6748 W, offshore US, East of somewhere S of Philadelphia, ESE of NYC.

Then 69.6748 W + 90 = 159.6748 W.

Exact same method for the other points, starting in each case a place of human sacrifice or cannibalism, and then doing the cross-points, like I just explained.

Now, Herxheim leads to Fontbrégoua and El Toro. Shimao and Ur to Shandi. Carthage to Tyre and Ge Hinnom and to Tenochtitlan. Let's see them.

The other sites like Herxheim, cannibalism of the Neolithic, namely Fontbrégoua and El Toro, continue the frontier's or border's theme, one of them even in the Pacific (near the date line).

Fontbrégoua cave, 43.55°N 6.2333°E

In France, near Monaco and Italy

43.55°N 96.2333°E
In Mongolia near the border of China

43.55°N 83.7667°W
In US near the border of Canada

43.55°N 173.7667°W
In the Pacific

Cave of El Toro, 36°37′38″N 4°31′06″W (36.62724 N 4.51832 W)

In Spain, near Morocco

36.62724 N 94.51832 W
In the US, near the fourway junction of states, in Missouri, across Oklahoma not far from Kansas, and also across Arkansas. Near a former frontier between French and Cherokees.

36.62724 N 85.48168 E
In Xinjiang, near the border of Tibet (which is now no longer considered an international border by some).

36.62724 N 175.48168 E
In the Pacific, near the date line (also a kind of border!)

The other sites like Carthage continue the offshore theme of Shimao and of Ur:

Gehenna / Valley of Hinnom, 31°46′11″N 35°13′36″E

In Israel

31°46′11″N 125°13′36″E
Offshore between China, Korea and Japan

31°46′11″N 54°46′24″W
Offshore between Canada, US, Brazil

31°46′11″N 144°46′24″W
Pacific, between California and Honolulu

Tyre, Lebanon, 33°16′15″N 35°11′46″E

In Lebanon, near Israel

33°16′15″N 125°11′46″E
Offshore near Korea

33°16′15″N 54°48'14"W
Offshore East of Bermuda

33°16′15″N 144°48'14"W
Pacific, West of California, NE of Honolulu

Tenochtitlan brings us to non-Christian areas.

Tenochtitlan, 19°26′N 99°8′W

19°26′N 9°8′W
In Mauritania

19°26′N 80°2'E
Near Aheri in India

19°26′N 170°2'E
Pacific, North of Marshall Islands

3500 BC: Three men were sacrificed during a burial, near the town of Shendi in modern Sudan. Their remains were found alongside two dogs and ceramics.


Offshore theme of Ur and Shimao.

Shendi or Shandi (Arabic: شندي), 16°41′N 33°26′E

Shendi is, as said, in Sudan.

16° 41′N, 123° 26′ E
Offshore in the Philippines

16° 41′N, 56° 34′ W
Offshore near Antigua and Barbuda

16° 41′N, 146° 34′ W
East of Honolulu

Finally, or nearly, the Grauballe Man brings is to colder areas. Not near the Gulf Stream. Perhaps this is unavoidable, but what wasn't, maybe, is, both areas not in the Pacific and perhaps even that one feature first nations of some type.

Grauballe Man, 56°12′35″N 9°37′49″E

56°12′35″N 99°37′49″E
Near Chunsky

56°12′35″N 80°22′11″W
In Hudson Bay offshore, near an island

56°12′35″N 170°22′11″W
Near St. George, "inside" the Alaska Panhandle, South of Siberia's East tip

What about Nimrod's Neolithic? Offshore theme revisited.

Boncuklu Höyük, 37°45′6.588″N 32°51′53.208″E

In Turkey, West of Mesopotamia / Shinar

37°45′6.588″N 122°51′53.208″E
Offshore in the bay between Korea and China

37°45′6.588″N 57°8′6.792″W
Offshore, East of Philadelphia, NE of Bermudas

37°45′6.588″N 147°8′6.792″W
N by E of Honolulu, SE of Alaska Panhandle

As in the previous, I focus into big pictures to verify the actual neighbourhoods of the cross points. But here I'm for the moment at least not showing this, as you have already seen the procedure and as this post has more items./HGL

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