Thursday, August 10, 2023

Logia per overall text, Vulgate Matthew

First 8 chapters
overall text
399 - 25 + 445 - 22 + 305 - 17 + 418 - 25 + 785 - 48 + 603 - 34 + 495 - 29 + 570 - 34 = 3786
9 + 51 + 785 - 48 - 22 + 603 - 34 + 495 - 29 - 27 + 102 = 1885
Matth. 1 - 8
1885 / 3786 = 49.789 % logia
 Next 7 chapters
overall text
651 - 38 + 722 - 42 + 487 - 29 + 783 + 934 + 489 + 551 = 4508
199 + 610 + 380 + 513 + 728 + 23 + 240 = 2693
Matthew 9 - 15
2693 / 4508 = 59.738 % logia
(2693 + 1885) / (3786 + 4508) = 55.197 % logia
Next 7 chapters
overall text
470 + 457 + 624 + 503 + 503 + 771 + 589 = 3917
291 + 165 + 577 + 302 + 354 + 399 + 344 = 2432
Matthew 16 - 22
2432 / 3917 = 62.088 %
(2693 + 1885 + 2432) / (3917 + 3786 + 4508) = 57.407 %
 Last 6 chapters
overall text
605 + 710 + 702 + 1140 + 940 + 301 = 4398
594 + 660 + 702 + 411 + 6 + 57 = 2430
Matthew 23 - 28
2430 / 4398 = 55.252 %
All chapters
overall text
3786 + 4508 + 3917 + 4398 = 16609
1885 + 2693 + 2432 + 2430 = 9440
Matthew 1 - 28
9440 / 16609 = 56.837 %

1 comment:

Hans Georg Lundahl said...

To count words I used partly a word counter, but more often a word document.

At first I only deducted the verse numbers (which aren't words of the text) by subtraction, then I realised both numerals and : were bloating the count, and I erased them by word, before looking at word counts.

In each case, for each chapter I made two counts, one with all words of the chapter, one with just the words of Jesus left.

I took the text from

Latin Vulgate Bible
Gospel According to St Matthew