Friday, February 10, 2023

A Thread As Allie Denounced Disney +

Φιλολoγικά/Philologica: A Thread As Allie Denounced Disney + · Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: Allie's Video, Outside the Thread with J R

Gma Card
That is such bologna! My family came here from Norway and Sweden, they built roads, buildings, started companies and provided jobs on the West Coast. The Scandinavian migrants were extremely hard workers who pioneered the western states! They did not own slaves!

Persephone L
Same! All mine came from Sweden, Norway and Germany in the late 1800’s.
A very, very small minority, like maybe 5% of white Americans today even have family that owned slaves. It’s incredibly rare.

Linda Steinbrenner
Yes!! So true!


The Dutch did… I think sometimes there might be some regional terminology confusion….

Hans-Georg Lundahl
@EmperorTalpa How many slaves were there in Niew Amsterdam?

Why is it so uncomfortable for America to right its wrongs when it comes to the descendants of slavery? Many of you compare your ancestors who migrated to the USA. It’s not one of the same. Many of you do no realize that the generation above me had direct suffrage as we went from being slaves to having to fight for civil rights. We were still poor and improvised due to being oppressed. As a child in the 80’s, there were KKK members burning crosses in black families’ yards. There were still black families living in run down shacks on plantations. Its generations of trauma brought on by one of the greatest crimes against humanity. Yet, Americans can not understand the criminal behaviors of many of their direct grandparents, fathers and mothers let alone slavers. Immigration and migration are not the same as forced labor. There are many of black Americans living in America who has been greatly affected by America’s criminal behavior. Is it uncomfortable to hear that your ancestors are no different than Hitler?

Please note: Immigration, migration, and indentured servants are not the same as slavery and having to fight for human rights. It will never be one in the same! America was the first Hitler. These comparisons only show the lack of humanity and dignity for the long suffrage of slavery and the fight for civil rights in America by slaves and their generational descendants. It’s undertones of racisms even with saying “don’t play the black card”. Resolve America’s wrongs and not by we gave the African Americans welfare and affirmative actions. Hold America accountable with its crimes!

Hans-Georg Lundahl
@J R Many of you compare your ancestors who migrated to the USA. It’s not one of the same. Many of you do no realize that the generation above me had direct suffrage as we went from being slaves to having to fight for civil rights.

I don't think that happened in Kenosha. I don't think that happened in Seattle. I don't think that happened in New York City (the part about KKK at any rate).

You pretend to hold all of the US responsible for slavery in some states. A slavery which did not directly build the other states.

It was ended in 1865. Other things went on into the 70's - also in some states. Ask reparations for forced sterilisations, not for slavery. Hold people like Margaret Sanger responsible. Take a cue from Alveda King.

@Hans-Georg Lundahl my sister was born in 1979! I was born in 1982. My grandparents were born in the early 1900’s and were still treated as slaves! Clearly, you do not comprehend the understanding of “what other things are”. It was human suffrage with coming off the the civil rights era. These issues did not magically disappear.

If your ancestors were not the hitlers of American’s society then step back.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
@J R Quite a lot of states, they weren't. I'm not even part of American society, but quite a lot of states they weren't.

@Hans-Georg Lundahl there should be 3 protected groups in America: Native American and Slaves and their descendants (ie foundational African Americans) for the crimes committed against them. Jewish community as America has given them and their descendants protection against Hitler’s regime. Native American ms have received protection in America with self governance and protection of their tribal lands. As for slaves and their descendants, many states has active roles either in slavery and/ or white supremacy including discrimination and segregation. If you aren’t a part of America’s society then step back. Deal with the social issues, if any, within your country.

@Hans-Georg Lundahl just because at one point northern states felt empathy to free slaves does not exempt their immoral behaviors. If you ancestors did not own slaves then don’t include yourself in a discussion about America’s crime against humanity

Hans-Georg Lundahl
@J R "Deal with the social issues, if any, within your country."

I'm not a nationalist.

@J R " just because at one point northern states felt empathy to free slaves does not exempt their immoral behaviors."

Which ones were that?

@Hans-Georg Lundahl for the northern states, slavery/lynchings were a crime against humanity. No different than Hitler and gas chambers with Jewish communities.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
@J R Reference, please?

Hans-Georg Lundahl
@J R Lynchings between 1882 and 1968, middle numeral = black (left = white, right = total). Roman numeral, myself counting them together.

Under 10 black lynched

Arizona 31 0 31
California 41 2 43, II
Colorado 65 3 68, V
Delaware 0 1 1, VI
Idaho 20 0 20
Iowa 17 2 19, VIII
Maine 1 0 1
Michigan 7 1 8, IX
Minnesota 5 4 9, XIII
Montana 82 2 84, XV
Nebraska 52 5 57, XX
Nevada 6 0 6
 New Jersey 1 1 2, XXI
New Mexico 33 3 36, XXIV
New York 1 1 2, XXV
North Dakota 13 3 16, XXVIII
Oregon 20 1 21, XXIX
Pennsylvania 2 6 8, XXXV
South Dakota 27 0 27
Utah 6 2 8, XXXVII
Vermont 1 0 1
Washington 25 1 26, XXXVIII
Wisconsin 6 0 6
Wyoming 30 5 35, XLIII

From ten to forty

Illinois 15 19 34, LXII
Indiana 33 14 47, LXXVI
Kansas 35 19 54, XCV
Maryland 2 27 29, CXXII
 Ohio 10 16 26, CXLVIII
Oklahoma 82 40 122, CLXXXVIII
West Virginia 20 28 48, CCXVI

In these 31 states, you have 216 Black People Lynched out of a total of 3,446. In 6 more, no lynchings at all. That makes 6.268 %.

Lynchings: By State and Race, 1882-1968
Statistics provided by the Archives at Tuskegee Institute.

not add this:

What do the "clean states" add up to?

ALASKA 733 391
HAWAII 1 455 271
RHODE ISLAND 1 097 379
Arizona 7 151 502
California 39 538 223
Colorado 5 773 714
Delaware 989 948
Idaho 1 839 106
Iowa 3 190 369
Maine 1 362 359
Michigan 10 077 331
Minnesota 5 706 494
Montana 1 084 225
Nebraska 10961 504
Nevada 3 104 614
 New Jersey 9 288 994
New Mexico 2 117 522
New York 20 201 249
North Dakota 779 094
Oregon 4 237 256
Pennsylvania 13 002 700
South Dakota 886 667
Utah 3 271 616
Vermont 643 077
Washington 7 705 281
Wisconsin 5 893 718
Wyoming 576 851
Illinois 12 812 508
Indiana 6 785 528
Kansas 2 937 880
Maryland 6 177 224
 Ohio 11 799 448
Oklahoma 3 959 353
West Virginia 1 793 716

50 States 330 759 736

211 948 502 / 330 759 736 = 64.079 % (all numbers on April 1st 2020).

Why is it so uncomfortable for America to right its wrongs when it comes to the descendants of slavery? Many of you compare your ancestors who migrated to the USA. It’s not one of the same. Many of you do no realize that the generation above me had direct suffrage as we went from being slaves to having to fight for civil rights. We were still poor and improvised due to being oppressed. As a child in the 80’s, there were KKK members burning crosses in black families’ yards. There were still black families living in run down shacks on plantations. Its generations of trauma brought on by one of the greatest crimes against humanity. Yet, Americans can not understand the criminal behaviors of many of their direct grandparents, fathers and mothers let alone slavers. Immigration and migration are not the same as forced labor. There are many of black Americans living in America who has been greatly affected by America’s criminal behavior. Is it uncomfortable to hear that your ancestors are no different than Hitler?

Please note: Immigration, migration, and indentured servants are not the same as slavery and having to fight for human rights. It will never be one in the same! America was the first Hitler. These comparisons only show the lack of humanity and dignity for the long suffrage of slavery and the fight for civil rights in America by slaves and their generational descendants. It’s undertones of racisms even with saying “don’t play the black card”. Resolve America’s wrongs and not by we gave the African Americans welfare and affirmative actions. Hold America accountable with its crimes!

Hans-Georg Lundahl
@J R 37 states have 64 % of the population, as per April 1st 2020 census, and had 6.268 % of the lynchings against black men between 1882 and 1968. In some cases no lynching at all (six states) and in the other cases after as many lynchings against white men or more. I drew the line with 40 lynchings of black men. That was Oklahoma. And most of these states had less than ten black men lynched.

I posted a comment on it, but it was taken down.

You want to know who the first Hitler was? Margaret Sanger. Go after Planned Parenthood, not after America!

@J R Besides, a few Latinos would probably not like us calling "los Estadunidenses" Americans, as if there were no Latin Americans ....

some comments by "Chandler" I found only after a while .... one important thing was noting that Africans had been taken slaves in Africa. Agreed. Another one was the descendants should be grateful or go to Africa. Not agreed, not automatically an alternative. "Be grateful where you are or leave" ... depends. Some cases, one has a certain deterioration to expect if returning. Doesn't automatically add up to a duty to be satsfied. Some cases, one has never even been where one is supposed to "return" to. No recent roots there, no idea of exact place of origin, not everyone is as good a researcher as Alex Hayley, and things have changed there too. John McWhorter probably visits his roots both in Ghana and in Scotland. But he also has no problem in the US, as to his own situation. But some are worse off both as citizens of the US, and as prospects for a return to Africa.

@Hans-Georg Lundahl Carolyn Donham 1955. Emmett Till, lynched and beat at age 14. He would have been in the age group as one of my aunts.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
@J R That was Mississippi, not Florida.

The video is about the Florida Governor, remember?

@Hans-Georg Lundahl this video is about the Proud Family and speaking on slavery. Many of others have given their states account. Mississippi is added. Margaret Sanager was from New York. Follow your own advice.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
@J R Yes, but it was not Mississippi that banned Proud Family.

And the problem in New York was providing abortions, not spontaneous lynchmobs.

@Hans-Georg Lundahl you are attempting to mix one social issue with another social issue. I’m not speaking on abortions. Im speaking on the commenters who take issue with saying slaves built America.

My post is not related to abortion issues. I have no current remarks to abortions. Abortions are highly sensitive as there are victims of SA. You can add SA perps to evil doers. Add Carolyn to the list as well.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
@J R Slaves didn't build most states.

Take slave states (not all of the South had that many slaves) and add Chicago, where freed slaves often worked in bad conditions.

That is a thing you tried to mix with lynchings, which didn't hit the black very hard in 37 of the 50, and even no lynching at all, black or white, in six of them.

"Abortions are highly sensitive as there are victims of SA."

You don't heal from sex abuse by aborting.

@Hans-Georg Lundahl I’m no longer holding a convo with you. Enjoy your day. I’m not changing topics.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
@J R As you wish.

Adding two more states, around 10 % of Black Victims:

Virginia 17 83 100
216 + 83 = 299
299 / 3 446 = 8.68 % of Black Victims

8 631 393 + 211 948 502 = 220 579 895
220 579 895 / 330 759 736 = 66.6889 % of US Population 1 April 2020

North Carolina 15 86 101
299 + 86 = 385
385 / 3 446 = 11.172 % of Black Victims

10 439 388 + 220 579 895 = 231 019 283
231 019 283 / 330 759 736 = 69.845 % of US Population 1 April 2020

1 comment:

Hans Georg Lundahl said...

On to:
Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: Allie's Video, Outside the Thread with J R