Friday, March 15, 2019


I learned about the site goodreads promoting a book where smears that might be true of Romulus and Odin are misapplied to Our Lord and His Blessed Mother.

True of Romulus?

Perhaps, some have said that "shewolf" (literal meaning of lupa) was a code word for harlot (other current sense of lupa, hence lupanar for brothel).

True of Odin?

One of my theories of Odin is, he was Yeshu the Sorcerer, formerly Yeshu the Student ... oh wait, Yeshu ben stada was later than Our Lord? Contemporary with Akiva? In that case, it would not even be true of Odin.

The smut here is how Medieval Jews misapplied these memories to Our Lord, in blasphemy.

And now some of them have written a book on the topic again. Or some of their fan club.

Presumably, a lot of them atheist or otherwise anti-Christian.

I am speaking up against the book ""Bad Girls Go To Hell…The Story of Baby Jesus’ Mother, The Virgin Mary" ... I think the parallels given might have given you sufficient idea of what the book is about. Don't buy it, don't read it, don't drink that anti-Christian koolaid. There may be more than one James Ashley, let's not lynch the wrong guy ... I'll try to get in touch, anyway.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Nanterre UL
St Longinus, martyr

Corrected a spelling mistake after signing.

Caesareae, in Cappadocia, passio sancti Longini militis, qui Domini latus lancea perforasse perhibetur.

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