I don't think so, presenting Valentin PIVK:
Slovene | "English" courtesy of Google translate | |
Rodil se je na kmetiji Pri petelinu, kjer je bilo šest otrok. | He was born on the farm Pri petelinu, where there were six children. | |
Jeseni leta 1940 je pričel obiskovati prvi razred »hribovske šole« v Žireh, | In the autumn of 1940 he began to attend the first class of the "mountain school" in Žiri, | |
vendar razreda ni dokončal, | but did not finish the class, | |
ker se je pričela druga svetovna vojna. | because the Second World War began. | |
V hribovske šole so hodili otroci iz hribovitih delov samo trikrat na teden in to popoldan in so prišli samo do četrtega razreda, | Only three times a week, children from the hilly mountains went to the hill schools this afternoon, and they came only to the fourth grade, | |
potem so jih posadili spet v predhodne razrede. | then they were planted again in the previous classes. | |
Zaradi odhoda brata v partizane namesto v nemško vojsko, | Due to the departure of the brother into partisans instead of the German army, | |
je bila vsa družina internirana v Nemčijo. | the entire family was interned in Germany. | |
Brat je kot partizan padel. | Brother as a partisan fell. | |
Po vojni je v šolskem letu 1945/46 končal četrti razred osnovne šole v Žireh, | After the war, in the school year 1945/46 he finished the fourth grade of elementary school in Žiri, | |
leta 1949 nižjo gimnazijo v Žireh in leta 1953 je maturiral na gimnaziji v Kranju. | in 1949 lower gymnasium in Žiri, and in 1953 graduated from gymnasium in Kranj. | |
Leta 1959 je diplomiral iz fizike na Prirodoslovno-matematični fakulteti v Ljubljani. | In 1959 he graduated from physics at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics in Ljubljana. | |
Leta 1978 pa opravil še magisterij na Ekonomski fakulteti v Ljubljani. | In 1978, he completed his master's degree at the Faculty of Economics in Ljubljana. | |
Po odsluženju vojaškega roka v JLA je med letoma 1960 in 1970 poučeval fiziko in matematiko na gimnaziji v Škofji Loki, | After serving military service in the JLA, he taught physics and mathematics at the gymnasium in Škofja Loka between 1960 and 1970, | |
kjer je med drugim, | where it is, inter alia, | |
na komaj ustanovljeni gimnaziji, | to a barely established gymnasium, | |
pričel postavljati kabinet za fiziko in usmerjati dijake na tekmovanja Gibanje znanost mladini. | began to set up a cabinet for physics and direct students to competitions Youth Science. | |
Leta 1970 je prišel na Gimnazijo Kranju, | In 1970 he came to the Gymnasium Kranj, | |
kjer je prva štiri leta poučeval matematiko in fiziko, | where he taught mathematics and physics for the first four years, | |
naslednjih 22 let pa je bil ravnatelj. | and the next 22 years he was the director. | |
V času njegovega ravnateljevanja kranjska gimnazija ni samo ohranila, | During his tenure, the Carniolan Gymnasium not only maintained, | |
ampak je povečala ugled kvalitetne šole. | but it has increased the quality of a quality school. | |
Z dograditvijo in obnovo ter prenovo so več kot podvojili šolske uporabne površine in kot ravnatelj je bil v začetku med redkimi pobudniki in zagovorniki vrnitve gimnazije in sedanje mature v slovenski srednješolski prostor. | With the upgrading, renovation and renovation, more than doubled the school use areas, and as headmaster was initially among the early initiators and advocates of the return of the gymnasium and the current maturity in the Slovenian upper secondary school. | |
V osemdesetih in začetku devetdesetih let prejšnjega stoletja je bil tudi višji predavatelj kvantitativnih ekonomskih analiz na Visoki ekonomsko-komercialni šoli, | In the 1980s and early 1990s he was also a senior lecturer of quantitative economic analyzes at the High Economic and Commercial School, | |
pozneje Ekonomsko-poslovni fakulteti v Mariboru. | later the Faculty of Economics and Business in Maribor. | |
Bil je zelo aktiven mladinski, | He was a very active youth, | |
študentski in pozneje v službi tudi sindikalni funkcionar. | student and later in the service also a union official. | |
Za svoje delo je leta 1976 prejel odlikovanje predsednika SFRJ, | For his work, in 1976 he received the decoration of the President of the SFRY, | |
tj. red republike z bronastim vencem, | ie. the order of the republic with a bronze wreath, | |
leta 1985 priznanje izobraževalne skupnosti Kranj, | in 1985 the recognition of the educational community Kranj, | |
leta 1997 nagrado Republike Slovenije na področju šolstva in leta 2000 nagrado Mestne občine Kranj. | in 1997 the prize of the Republic of Slovenia in the field of education and in 2000 the prize of the Municipality of Kranj. | |
Stanuje v Kranju in občasno na vikendu v rojstnem Žirovskem vrhu. | He resides in Kranj and occasionally on the weekend in his birthplace Žirovski vrh. | |
Ima dva sinova in štiri vnuke. | He has two sons and four grandchildren. | |
Kot upokojenec se je doslej precej ukvarjal z raziskovanjem in pisanjem o zgodovini kranjske gimnazije. | As a retired, he has so far been very concerned with researching and writing about the history of Kranjska gimnazija. | |
Veliko hodi v naravo, | Many walk in nature, | |
poskuša odkriti še kaj zanj neodkritega doma in tudi v tujini. | trying to discover something else for him at home and abroad. | |
Malo vrtnari in vedno več bere. | A little gardeners and more and more read. | |
Vsa leta svojega dela v šolstvu se je aktivno ukvarjal z vprašanji organizacije šolstva, | Throughout his years of schooling, he has been actively involved with the issues of organizing school, | |
vsebine šolskih programov in financiranja šolstva. | content of school programs and financing of education. | |
S teh področij je napisal okoli 90 člankov in razprav, | From these areas, he wrote about 90 articles and debates, | |
ki so bili objavljeni v Prosvetnem delavcu/Šolskih razgledih, | which were published in the Educational Worker / School Views, | |
reviji Vzgoja in izobraževanje, | Journal of Education and Training, | |
Naših razgledih, | Our views, | |
Delu, | Delu, | |
Gorenjskem glasu in periodičnih zbornikih Gimnazije Kranj. | The Gorenjska voice and periodicals of the Gymnasium Kranj. |
No doubt, in his way a worthy gentleman.
Also, the kind of worthy gentleman, I fear, whom I had to do with when my life was ruined for decades and my ma's life not helped up in Sysslebäck - a very beautiful village with beautiful nature, but too dominated by the networking of worthy gentlemen like that.
But that an ardent Antifascist, decorated Titoist Communist, specialised in Physics, Mathematics and Economics, teacher, school director and hobby debater published in not very academic (and especially nothing in history field) journals should teach ME what happened in the Renaissance and Reformation era to education system? No, not unless you limit it to the area he specialised in : the Krajnska Gimnazijum (which may even have been founded as late as 1810, or refounded during Napoleonic Wars, according to one title, and therefore would have very little bearing on the question), and unfortunately, one man was citing him as an overall expert on the era.
He is possibly biassed in extremes, like most who were Communists. And as a director of a gymnasium, especially for school access to all and against all who are even by some people reputed to have been obscurantist - a reputation Commies were heavily loading off onto Roman Catholic Church.
He is certainly the wrong academic field to tell me the wider picture on education before and after 1500. He could no doubt tell me some facts about things specific to Slovenia, but he would hardly be the best authority on the wider question.
As a bonus, any English speaker can tell Slovenes that some of the sentences google translate put into "English" is not really English. It is Slovene with an English disguise, and that is not always comprehensible to someone speaking English but not Slovene. And it would have been worse if I had not hacked up the Slovene text at every comma and full stop - such being the short phrase conditions best adapted to google translate.
Now, hope he does not take this as an attack on his person, but, he was cited, I have been forced to reply about him, which I did.
Imaš zelo dober dan, Gospod Pivk! Upam, da ne bo trda čustva?
That was also google translate, but if it's correct, it's probably because I hacked my message up into three pieces, before translating.
Hans Georg Lundahl
Nanterre UL
St Gertrude's Day
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