Saturday, February 20, 2016

Letter A of ex oriente - I - preliminary to recalibrating

Letter A of ex oriente, on Φιλολoγικά/Philologica : I - preliminary to recalibrating, II - continuing the preliminary, III - explanation and results, on Creation vs. Evolution : IV - Conclusion

On the tables from their site, limiting myself to the letter A, I find carbon datings ranging: 11450 - 7280 BP = 9500 B. Chr. - 5330 B. Chr. To recalibrate this, I use my not completely trustworthy, but so far by me best trusted

Fibonacci table for rise of Carbon 14 in athmosphere.

Relevant area in that table:
10 328 av. J.-Chr. - 6449 av. J.-Chr. - 4620 av. J.-Chr. (conventional radiocarbon dating)
= 2778 av. J.-Chr. - 2599 av. J.-Chr. - 2420 av. J.-Chr. (tentative recalibration to real dates, according to table).

However, since 10 328, 6449 and 4620 B. Chr. are a bit far apart, and since carbon dates do give nicer distinctions than those, I insert intermediates to the recalibration:

10 328 2778 09 358 2733
10 328 2778 09 358 2733
10 328 2778 09 358 2733
10 328 2778 09 358 2733
06 449 2599 08 388 2688
37 433 X933 36 462 X887
09 358 2733 09 115 2721
10 328 2778 09 358 2733
06 449 2599 08 388 2688
16 777 5377 17 746 5421
08 388 2688 08 873 2710
10 328 2778 09 358 2733
06 449 2599 08 388 2688
06 449 2599 08 388 2688
06 449 2599 08 388 2688
29 675 X575 34 522 X787
07 418 2644 08 630 2697
06 449 2599 08 388 2688
06 449 2599 10 328 2778
06 449 2599 finetuned:
06 449 2599 09 358 2733
04 620 2420 09 115 2721
23 967 X217 08 873 2710
05 991 2554 08 630 2697
06 449 2599 08 388 2688
04 620 2420 rougher intervals again:
11 069 5019 07 418 2644
05 534 2509 06 449 2599
06 449 2599 05 991 2554
04 620 2420 05 534 2509
04 620 2420 05 077 2465
04 620 2420 04 620 2420
20 309 9859
05 077 2465
04 620 2420

To the left I do the main insertion between the three dates, inserting three quarter distanced dates in between, and to the right, I fine tune one of these by inserting further quart distanced dates.

This will then be applied to the tables from ex oriente, as said, limiting myself to letter A. Stay tuned, I might be able to finish this next week.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Nanterre UL
Ember Saturday of Lent

Site ex oriente:

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