Tuesday, October 8, 2024

What did I say about Troy, Again?

What Did Thor Heyderdahl Say, Again? · What did I say about Troy, Again?

Did Hittites participate in the Trojan War? (Homeric Keteioi)
Wanax TV | 7 Oct. 2024

1:53 The Hittite contingent at the Trojan war, it may really have been very insignificant.

You see, Troy fell 1179 or sth. Perhaps 1184 BC.

Hattusa had already fallen in "around 1200 BC" ... so possibly a decade or two earlier.

11:09 Walter Leaf considered that Mycenaean Greece as well as Troy was a kind of "satrapy" under the Hittites.

There is one more Greek word that could come from Hittites, namely ethos. Hethos would have become ethos by dissimilation of aspirates.

One early use of the word was "taxes" and if Hittites were suzerain, taxes could be "the Hittite thing" ... Linear B is called Semata Lugra in the Iliad, apart from the context of Bellerophon, that could have been a general sentiment about it, since it was often used in tax records.

I'd say deliberate damnatio memoriae.

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