Sunday, September 1, 2024

Long Live the Johns!

As for now, the wiki page is decent.

Marriage of Charlie Johns and Eunice Winstead

Winstead dropped out of school in 1937.[13] She attended school for two days but her husband pulled her out after she was switched for misbehaving.[14] State law was changed to reflect that married children were exempt from compulsory education.[5]

As of 1938 the couple still lived with Johns' parents.[15] They slept together in the same room.[8] In December 1942, at the age of fifteen, Winstead gave birth to the couple's first child. They subsequently had eight more children.[2][10] Johns objected when his oldest child, 17-year-old Evelyn, eloped in 1960 with 20-year-old John Antrican. He alleged that Antrican had falsified Evelyn's age to obtain a marriage license.[16] Johns and Winstead remained married until Johns' death in 1997. Winstead died in 2006.[2][10]


Child marriage is rare in the U.S., though this varies by state
By David McClendon and Aleksandra Sandstrom, November 1, 2016

I object to the term "child marriage" in cases where both have reached puberty, of course./HGL

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